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Neverwinter Beta Keys

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 14 Mar 2013.

  1. I hope you will have more than just bells on :)
  2. must.........resist.......spending.........200.............
  3. Resistance is futile!!
  4. Next beta weekend is April 12-14

    Open beta starts 4-30.

  5. think I will try a cleric this time or even hopefully they will have the ranger out by than
  6. I may try the cleric again and play it to a higher level this time to see how it plays
  7. FYI... I guess this final beta weekend is going to be exclusively for those who have purchased one of the 2 founder packs.

    On the bright side, we finally get to check out the professions. :)
  8. So, who ended up getting founder packs and will be on this weekend for the fourth beta?
  9. I would think if you were in closed beta before you would be in this one as well. But if you purchased a pack you get priority and if they need more people they may send out more closed invites. Maybe I am just being hopeful as I have yet to purchase a pack.
  10. These are the days when I wish I actually had a job, to pay for all of these pimped pre-order packs :(

    Registered for free beta key, nonetheless.
  11. SO how's the beta going...how are the professions? had to use my money on my truck so wasn't able to get my founder's pack :(
  12. Tomorrow is the day for Early Access to the open beta for all the Hero Founders. Can't wait to get started on my Trickster Rogue and Devoted Cleric....doubt I will go the warrior route this time around. Also can't wait to get started in the Foundry and see what fun I can have in there. For those who got the Guardian Founder pack I will see you on Saturday.
  13. I'm actually going to start playing this aswell. I've been talking to Khorn about it. Im not sure what I want to play, but its either going to be one of the fighters, or the devoted cleric.
  14. I will see you guys Saturday, however, I am debating if I will actually play until they get the drow race available to general like I heard they might since we only get one weapon per account if I recall in the beginning given to us with the pack?
  15. If you are referring to Greycloaks Legacy...that is one per character. ANd the Drow will not be available for 60 days.
    Last edited: 25 Apr 2013
  16. Look forward to see you there Forb..should be lots of fun.
  17. What he said. No reason to wait. Knowing the game better will only make it easier to catch up with your Drow once you start him.
  18. Just FYI...I created my first character on the Dragon shard
  19. Only one server as far as I know. :)
  20. There are 3 shards...I chose Dragon

    Character Name I created is Kellyn Zau'lyl

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