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What I do for fun with hardware

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by nilkilla, 18 Aug 2013.

  1. Hello,

    When I'm not gaming, I like to overclock my hardware. I'm not quite up to using liquid nitrogen, or even a custom-loop water set up, but I still have fun.

  2. Cool stuff :) wish I had the money to really overclock my PC, supposedly someone has gotten the AMD-8350 up to 5.0ghz from its stock 4.0ghz
  3. You'll see 7ghz+, on that site.

    There's an awesome deal on an all in one water cooler, on sale here
  4. Yeah I have the single radiator version of that, wish I had room to install a double in my case. About the only way I could do a double is build the liquid cooling kit and mount the radiator off the back off my case. Maybe one day when I get brave (and have the spare cash)

    I use this case http://azzatek.com/csaz-1000.html and I only have one 120mm fan in the damn thing. Shame I haven't found a 230mm radiator I could do a setup on my top exhaust fan.
    Last edited: 19 Aug 2013
  5. I love my Fractal Design Mid arc. I think they may become my sole case manufacturer. Though lian Li will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Funny thing being that I won this case from Patriot memory on facebook.
  6. Fun with Liquid Nitrogen, lol

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