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Elite Dangerous

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Traceroute, 17 Sep 2014.

  1. Traceroute

    Traceroute DragonWolf

    I was just wondering if anyone else is playing the beta for Elite Dangerous right now? I have been really enjoying it as of late and was just wondering if any other DragonWolves are playing so I can add them to my list!
  2. I'll probably pick it up once it's done, but beta entry fee is still a bit steep
  3. Am0c

    Am0c DragonWolf

    I have bought it and so far impressed. I went back for a weekend to EVE and couldn't get back into it just because with E-D you have more control and you are not bogged down with minutia.
  4. Traceroute

    Traceroute DragonWolf

    feel free to add me to your friends list! I was able to get TRACEROUTE. have you been playing in open? or in solo mode?

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

    I have been playing since early beta. Lot of fun....
  6. Traceroute

    Traceroute DragonWolf

    me too! I didn't play a ton during beta though, I didn't want to get burned out on beta and not play alpha like I did with a lot of games.

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

    I don't know if one can get burned out on this. I like it very much. :)
  8. Traceroute

    Traceroute DragonWolf

    I totally agree! I am in a decked out cobra right now. I have just played a few Betas that arent nearly as good as the finished product and I dont end up playing the game itself because beta is meh. This was totally not the case with Elite though. I am impressed more and more with each patch!
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Looks kind of cool for sure :D

    SGTHACK DragonWolf

    I am too. I do trading so I have the Adder decked out and a Sidewinder decked. I only get to play once a week due to my work schedule. Just about have enough for a Cobra or Asp. I really love this game. Great time....

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