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1.1 is live. Be sure to fully uninstall and get the new launcher

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by StickMan9000, 20 Mar 2015.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Exactly Stick.
    Folks, it's getting closer now. The FPS module is still set to be released soon(tm).
    I would encourage anyone who is involved in the Star Citizen universe here to download and install the latest version of SC.
    The sooner you get it done, the better off you will be when the FPS module is released.

    I would suggest doing this before you go to bed as the download will take at least 4 hours.

  2. pfft, try 1.5 hours
  3. Took me closer to 12 on my 6mbps connection :D

    Upgrading to 50mbps/10mbps on Tuesday though.
  4. Wilobren

    Wilobren DragonWolf

    Got mine installed Tuesday. Only did some free flight for a bit to get a feel for the controls. Plan to fight some vanduul after work today.
  5. Kulf

    Kulf DragonWolf

    Mine took 2 frikkin days! D:
    But got it downloaded yesterday finally.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I haven't taken any of my birds out of the hangar yet. My framerates are pitifully low on my 660 that it may be time for me to upgrade the video card.
  7. Servers have been a little all over the place but CIG has been working on the issue. When you folks do get a chance to go on, let me know. Multiplayer freeflight is great fun :D

  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I gave it a shot the other night playing Vanduul Swarm. No hiccups in flight or fight. Just need to see if there's a generic X52 control scheme I can upload.
  9. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    If you find a decent X52 scheme let me know Sent, I find that one of the more frustrating things in the game is managing the mapping, particularly when I have to keep redoing it time and again. Maybe have a discussion on which features work well to bind with particular keys/aspects of a hotas.
    Sentrosi likes this.

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