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Rumblings of a Planetside 3 from Daybreak...

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by GraniteRok, 20 Oct 2019.

  1. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Khorneholio likes this.
  2. I was actually coming here to post this. Lol. Color me intrigued. :)
  3. no, just no
  4. I don't mind "suiting up" for PlanetSide 2 again, if only to see how much has changed from last I played.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    It's just... so hard to do right. To do something at the scale of what made PS great requires a lot of players, a lot of cooperation from those players between each other to organize, and a rather large time commitment from those players. I'm not sure folks are down with that right now.

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