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hey nice games

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by XxILLOnexX, 4 Jun 2002.

  1. hey just wanted to say it was cool playing with ya'll i look forward to owning with u all again wehn do u all usually get on? well tell next time keep it real chia ownz!

    i love the team logo haha!:D
  2. Great Dane


    I'd like to know when they play too.

  3. we usually start popping up around 10 EST, maybe later, maybe earlier depending on our tribes 2 schedule...
  4. You too man. Come into IRC. We are Always in there. 99% of the time. I know I am in there all the time.
  5. Oh. And also. Yeah. You're pretty good. I guess you could say you're pretty much in. If you come to IRC of course.
  6. yay!

    well im gonna get irc here in a few (or make an attept) so ill let u all know how it goes k ^_^ V
  7. got it ^_^ V

    well i just got it it seems to be working A ok heh so ill try and catch u guys on there tonight k well im off 4 now latez
    XxILLOnexX:D :D :slice: :hhg: :cammo: :chaingun:
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    now i need to fix satos ugly ass sig.
  9. w..t..f..
    /me cries
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I fixored :love:
  11. Thanks Hamma. You are my :whore:
  12. Great Dane


    Looks the same as it did before you fixed it.
  13. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    no before some of the fonts were size 3 others were size one. among other linking problems.

  14. wtf. What linking problems?
  15. so am i a part of team chia for sof2? just wondering?
  16. Well. Not quite yet. You need to come into IRC. Spend some time in there. Answer some questions. And that is about it. Other than that. I don't see any problems with you joining.
  17. Great Dane


    So there I was.............

    Truging through the early morning mist. I was a soldier of fortune on my first mission. I crept slowly looking for enemys when suddenly I saw something move. I turned and saw someone with a Red spot above their head, and I let my AK-47 rip into them until they fell. Then another, and another.

    I was quite content with my abilty to dessimate the enemy forces, and then I saw this.........

    Chia|Malone: Dane why did you shoot me?

    GreatDane: You had that red spot on your head.

    Chia|Malone: I'm on your team!!

    GreatDane: WTF?!?! Don't shoot the red team??? What kinda game is this?!?!

    Chia|Arglaar: Dane, the ones with the spots on their heads are your friends in this game, and you just killed 3 of them.

    GreatDane: vgo
    GreatDane: vvs
  18. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  19. LMFAO at Dane
  20. sum gay is here.

    o hey sat.

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