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Wow, this looks like the =oV= Forums.

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Alekzander, 26 Sep 2001.

  1. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    With my window minimized I see the first 8 topics. All =oV= threadstartes. Yep, definitly starting to look like home. Glad I finally found a place to setup shop in until Happy gets his thing done.

    Yep, I am like a homeless sitter polluting the area. Hope you guys don't mind the stink. I left my soap back at the oV forums :(
  2. Great Dane


    Just so long as you don't start looking for any hand outs.
  3. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    Damn man, my stomach is rumbling now that you mention it. What do you have over their in yer bowl? Anything decent? Now keep in mind I don't go for that processed beef shit. I want the real stuff, bloody and spiced all up.
  4. Great Dane


    All they give me is Dog Chow. no matter how many times i have asked for Alpo it's always Dog Chow.
  5. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    I will start a letter writing campaign to have CDL feed you right man. All this hard work fighting against the Likes of people like me. Its hard work, tough. Protecting the mighty CDL forums. GIVE HIM SOME ALPO GOD DAMNIT!! YOU HEARTLESS PEOPLE!!

    He's all bones and skin. I don't even want him. He's just pathetic. DOG ABUSERS!!
  6. Great Dane


    In their defense they do put out a bowl of beer and a few Milk Bones every now and again.
  7. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    Drunken Dog.. Now that is the most highly undiscovered form of popular entertainment out their. I mean heck I love to participate in a little of that. Always a good time.
  8. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Hey I'm looking for a handout! I.. ah.. I like dogs? I have a storage unit at Great Dane. Really do... so can I have a handout?
  9. Forget Dane, someone help Hamma. Give the guy some stilts or phone books when he sits or something.....poor guy
  10. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    I am glad this has been brought to my attention. If Hamma ever shows up at a Missouri Lan party I will have a couple phone books with his name on them. Cause I am a pal to the little people! The vertically challanged. The midgets of the world. Don't despair little guys, just look up and see my smile :) Turn your little frown upside down!

    Hmmm Do you think he might be trying to overcompensate for anything?....

  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    How many Hamma's would it take to make a normal person....


    Maybe six? j/k :)
  12. I have decided to start a "make a wish foundation for Hamma"
    Fund. Its time we help him of his pymgy state. Show him how cool it would be to not have to ask the old lady to boost you up so you can take a drink at the fountain. I will start by donating my inflatable :dane: that KO gave me......a great gift must in the end part.....BUT to save the :hamma:
  13. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

  14. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    wow.. sorry.. still trying to grip reality... this is a bad habbit :D
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    hmmm, I still dont know how I became a pygmy, where did that come from?

  16. Great Dane


    Possible from this :ham:?
  17. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    I don't know Hamma. I would look towards GD on this one. I was ICQ'ing him and he's defending you not being pygmy height wise but then he goes you should know though.. He has pygmy like par.... He was cut off after that part? I wasn't sure what he was saying? Wierd man. Well you guys take it easy :)
  18. Alekzander

    Alekzander =oV=

    Well I am off for the day. Time to concentrate on work or I will be here late again. I guess I give the forums back to GD for a temporary time. Have fun buddy :)

  19. Great Dane


    Cuaght in a lie already!!!!!!!!

    You have already stated that you don't use ICQ!!! We have uncovered you for the Llama that you really are. Now Dance Llama, Dance!!!


  20. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

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