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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Timothas Majere, 18 Sep 2002.

  1. Guess who's finally seen the light and will be showing up on T2 sometime VERY soon. :)

    Only took me 15 months to get it to sink in too. One of my better times. :)

    hello to everyone.

    Can't say too much as i JUST got my acceptance to post here.. and I haven't even read a post yet.

    Hope to see you all in a game soon.. as for now.. it'll just be on the forum til i get T2 and a better connection other than 56k. :p
  2. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    From what I hear most people have already packed their bags and moved on to better games. Your appearance is a little late. Maybe you'll get lucky and run into a few remaining CDL.
  3. Great Dane


    Hello from an old MangeyMutt.

    I don't really play T2 anymore, but maybe I'll fire it up and look for you one of these days.
  4. wouldnt hold my breath dane, community shit is still down, its a wonder the damn serverlists still work

    oh, and hi timo

  5. Well I still Play some Tribes.. if u wanna find me there.. Just look for the Majere

    I'm bound to be somewhere..

    I'm gonna get T2 anyways.. I just hope there's people there I know when i get there.. Other than That Unreal Tourney and UT2003 will be my haunts

    I haven't tried BF1942 or e&b yet.. but I will.. Jedi Knight 2 just doesn't seem like it'd be good fun for an online game.
    Hope someone's gonna be around..
  6. Timo, wait til they re release it in a week or 2. It will be 20$ then. Plus you won't have to go through the excruciating download of maps :)
    Fling :D
  7. omg..........timo...............you are actually still alive...w00t...don't listen to mtx....if he still played he would realize that the ones that packed their bags are mostly playing classic beta...I still find full servers every night
  8. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Yeah you should hook up with Scrub. I'm sure he could guide you to all the old guard.
  9. Funny how things go inna circle...

    I had T2 ASAP after it came out. The 10,000 patch deal turned me off bigtime, the harping between T1 vets -vs- T2 newbs, etc

    For months I didnt have T2 installed. Was playing the hell outta Ghost Recon, Medal of Honor, JediKnight 2, Soldier of Fortune, IL-2 Sturmovik, Serious Sam 2, Red Faction, etc etc

    Guess what, I'm again back playing T2 and none of the above .
    Nothing else like it I guess...

    Sup Timo !

    Cya on the field


    Semi.. wassup man! Been trying to find you.. wondered if U still played RS.. apparantly not.. I still do.. and still have those CD's

    Scrub.. my lil buddy.. er yer my BIG lil buddy actually...How's tenessee?? AM i still invited to drop in and hang out for a while? :)

    WarChilde: I see you in IRC alot.. Still good to see you.

    Mangetmutt: LOL so yer that one.. I was talking to asmo and i thought he was MM.. I still have those skins/apps and everything. +NW+ is even still going on t1!!!!

    Fling: Wuzzap! I think I still see you in Tribes.. Kadiz or something.. hope I don't kink yer name out...

    You all in CDL????

    cause when I get on t2.. i'm gonna need to find someone who wants my l337 defense skills. and BTW i'm NOT ill-trained in t2 either. Just never admittedly played around people I knew.

    I could never smurf and be around people I missed for so long and still keep quiet. :)

    This is like Christmas again.. I got the gutty feeling.

    At least i know there'll be something to come to T2 for. :))

    feel free to AIm/ICQ me TimoMajere/14674888

    e-mail timomajere@hotmail.com

    Don't lose touch wit me again. :)
  11. Great Dane


    Actully, none of the peeps you listed are -CDL-, but we all ead their forums. Check it out ;)

  12. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    You see that name called "TheENEMY"? That was me. I must have just joined.
  13. timo, like I stated before here, the ix community sticks together, even though we are all on different clans, we just hang out together
  14. Excellent.. The IX community we all came from was like family anyways.. Clanned or not..
    I was sad when everyone left cuz i figured the community was destroyed.. some went to other games.. some stayed.. others.. never returned and noone knows what happened to them.

    And dane.. we DID kick ass as +NW+ didn't we? heh we should have competed.

    I'm still going to hang around here then.
  15. I havn't played a t1 pub in ages, so it wasn't me you might have seen. Kadiz is TheWedge.
    Fling :D
  16. Last time I played T1 was at the ATL/LAN.

    Hi TIMO.
  17. hey timo.

    What pubs do you play on t1(preferably ips, hope i can remember all the tribes 1 script crap)? Havent been able to find anyone or anything since they shut down the master server.
  18. Heya Dragon..

    Heya Whoha..
    Actually I don't Play Tribes all that often anymore either.. much less gaming.

    But I do play one MOD only now.. Football mod.
    Yeah yeah.. well once you've played and pretty much gotten as skilled as you're gonna get everywhere else.. may as well bottom-feed.

    Just look for Majere as yer buddy name to look for.
    That hasn't changed..
  19. bleh my vis list of servers isnt complete :(
  20. Well There isn't many servers left to begin with.. if you refresh and see maybe 200 or so.. that's all there is.

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