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Last Info requested for IX-Game. date will be included.

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by TG/Odin, 28 Sep 2002.

  1. Last edited: 2 Oct 2002
  2. Dates

    Well. as we all know, EZBoard Sucks big time. server's been slow for about 2 weeks and now they are down for 2 days.
    To all of those who missed the post.
    The official date for the IX get together game is going to be on Sunday 6th at 8:00PM est. we'll play like 4 maps.....
    There will be a second day for all those who will not make it on Sunday, that day will be on Tuesday October 8th. who ever can come those 2 nights please do. so on Tuesday we will not be short staff...
  3. Great Dane


    Tuesday I can do, but Sunday at 8 EST is only 5 PST here and I'llbe on my way home from the 49er game.
  4. Are these old IX for T1? Cuzz Ill love to strap on mah capping shoes again :D
  5. Yes Dane. you are one of 4 or 5 that could not make it on Sunday. that is why I asked people to show up on Tuesday as well...
    PS. YES, this will be IX insane fun.

    Come one guys tomorrow Sunday 6th is the day, please show up.
  7. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    So which server is it?

    I hope the rest of you suck as bad as me so the game will be fun. Those base guys owned me with their constant MA's.
  8. Hmm I would love to make it but I only have 80MB free HD space.. Sorry T1 won't fit in that. :(
  9. you actually took it off of your pc?
  10. crap.. I missed it. :(
    And I was playing Tribes too. even more 'aw crap!!'

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