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requesting favor....

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by allahbuda, 6 Oct 2002.

  1. i recently bought tribes 2, and came to realization that it isnt compadible with my card, i was wondering if any of you people, out of your infinite generosity, would possibly send me a copy of tribes 1, (sure it will work on my computer), it would be GREATLY appreciated, email me at caucho86@yahoo.com, thank you soooo much

    ps-please dont just tell me download it from kazaalite, because my connection is too slow, thanx!
  2. Dude you can buy the game for like $5 in bargain bin at the stores. Why do you need to warez a $5 game?
  3. i know but...

    i know, but i cant find it ANYWHERE!! i have looked at like 5 places, and noone has it, can someone just ship it to me for 50 cents, ill give you tribes 2!!
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    warez, lock/ban
  5. if you need it still let me know
  6. Malone

    Malone Official Cow

    I got T1, but I'd rawsex it for the rest of my life before I took another copy of T2...

    the 50 cents is appealing tho

  7. sorry,

    ok, sorry, i dont know what warez means, but if i am doing something wrong in asking for tribes, i will stop and go away, i didnt know(let me know if i AM doing something wrong please), but if not, someone email me!!
  8. im not familyer whith that term also Alla.but it probaly meens dounloading the game from a site so dont wory about it.get ahold of scrub he seems to have a coppy for you .and there aint no rong hear.thay just mesin whith your head ..ignor them :)I DO :D
  9. I personally see no wrong here, however, posting warez (illegal pirated software) requests in a public forum where anyone can see usually ruffles some feathers.

    If you don't find it otherwise, here it is online for 10 bones.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Its against our hosting agreement :p
  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Don't look on Kazza for tribes. Especially if you see this really cool and kind guy that goes by the name PredakingZ He's willing to let everyone leech it off him. It's 270 something megs but that includes poop pack and all sorts of other scripts.

    If you need help finding this person send a E-mail to PredakingZ@hotmail.com. I'm sure he will respond. That bad bad pirate! :D
  12. 121986

    thanks guys, predakingz is gonna hook me up with a copy, i will be out on the battlefireld by saturday.

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