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Planetside app

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by UltimateXIIII, 7 Jun 2003.

  1. I have a friend that told me about the Dragon Wolves. I went to myplanetside.com and checked it out. After i saw the number of people that had already been recruited, I really thought it was just another unorganized outfit. Then i went to planetside-universe.com and listened to the AGN live broadcast. That changed my mind when I heard everyone telling excactly what they were doing everywhere they went. They told eachother enemy locations, vehicle locations, and the best part is that everyone stayed organized and was ready to take commands and not running off in every direction. After i listened to the amout of teamwork going on in that battle, I knew this would be the outfit for me.

    Im currently a Battle Rank 7, I have 128 kills and my current certs are: MAX pounder, Anti-Vehicle Weapons, Reinforced Exo suit, and Medium Assault.
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    :hi: and Welcome UltimateXIIII

    Thanks for the Application and hope to see you soon in game also join us in Irc if and when you can

    Irc Server : irc.planetside-universe.com
    Port : 6667
    Room #cdl

    also who was your friend that told ya about us ?

    Thanks Again and see ya around
  3. My friends name is Jake. He was browsing the myplanetside.com website when he found ur outfit. As I said I really didnt think much about it until I saw the AGN live broadcast on planetside-universe.com

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