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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by tigran, 7 Jul 2003.

  1. Read the story posted on PSU and wanted to stop by to say hello. Interesting to see that you guys play on Emerald as that's the same server I'm on. Unfortunately, I fight for the Vanu, so we're enemies in-game. Just a reminder that the animosity is only while playing, and you seem like a great bunch of people, especially with how organized your tower drops sound.

    Hope to see you in-game sometime. Sounds like it would be a good battle between CDL and XoO.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met! Thanks for the kind comments and welcome to The Lair!

    Outside of the game, you are always a welcome guest here, and we will always try and be cordial. Inside the game, we will always try to kill Barney troops with extreme prejudice. ;)

    Hope to see you someday on the glorious field of battle! Honor unto you!
  3. Barney figured out how to work a keyboard? I just lost $5 to KaozReign!

    Just kidding, of course. :evil: Good to have you stop by!
  4. Keyboard? The Vanu have no need for such primitive interfaces :)
    Tigran is essentially a tinkergnome when it comes to technology, and I'm going to start roleplaying that more and more.
    "Ok, I've added a new feature to your armor when I repaired you just now. Next time you get shot, your armor is going to laugh at you and send up a beacon for me to come revive you... again."

    We'll have to set up an outfit v outfit rumble sometime.
    Feel free to check out the Xen of Onslaught page. We have some interesting forums, although they're not half as well done as these. *mumbles something about outfit leaders using phpNuke*
  5. Xen of Onslaught? That last movie you did for Malvision was friggin' awesome!

    Especially that TR max and stealther at the end. :D
  6. We actually got a couple posts from the people who crashed the set. No, the TR were NOT intentional :)
    Miir is the guy that makes all the movies, and he's an XoO member. I think he's working on a new one, but I don't know anything about it.
    You might want to try getting in touch with him. He uses TS2 when making his movies, and I bet he'd appreciate having some disciplined actors if you're interested.

    Gah, I just realized I forgot to put a link to the page! http://www.xenforcers.com

    By the way, glad to see that not all TR are mindless drones for the Zerg swarm! I keep expecting to hear an ominous "Spawn more Overlords" when I go near a TR base.

    hehe... Barneys... I gotta admit, our maxes DO hit like plushies...
  7. Oed


    Organized tower drops...ohh...that killed me...Im still laughing.
  8. Pretty damned organized yesterday, except for Swifty playing coal-mine canary and running downstairs past the MAXes. ;)

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