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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Dragon, 25 Jun 2003.

  1. Just passing through, thought I wave {{{ " HI " }}}
  2. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    In honor of you I took off my shirt. :D
  3. :hi:

    Its been a long time Dragon. How's the boy? Good to see you still alive and kicken.
  4. Great Dane


    Nice to see you Bud. Drop me a line sometime.

    Be glad you got out when you did. If anything the place has gotton worce.
  5. No more shirtless :) Heres one with a shirt :)


    Just thought I say hello...

    I learn an important thing with Tribes1 and 2.

    "Eventually all good things must come to an end"

    My job life changed so I go to bed at 10:30 so I don't play anymore.

    Jonathan is 5 and getting bigger. I'm just doing other stuff in life.
    I hope you all take care and remember, don't let the computer life/gaming life control your life. I've seen too many of my friends lose their families, friends and jobs due to an over obsession of games, chatting,...etc. Just remember, Life is too short to forget about the ones you love.

    " Its not the wall that stops you but the mind that says stop"


  6. hello dragonman+_+

    yes, some of us dynosaurs are still here.


    i liked the dynos server too. shoot, now i cant remember any of the old ix ones. the PA gamemonger or something......duh, how could i ferget bigreds server....ack!!
  7. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Nice to see you, Old Warrior. Good to know you are still fairing well.

  8. Hey Dragon! Nice to see you!

    Just Note* T1 and T2 died, but that is why they are coming out with Tribes- Vengeance March of 2004! :p
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I lost my wife to the computer but I can always get a new one. Infact I already have my next target for sex. Women aren't worthy of my life time. Only a few hours out of the week is required. Sorry to hear you go to bed so early. Looks like you fell out and went RL on us. I do that sometimes as well.

    Spend lots of time with your son. You can relive your childhood with him and enjoy the simple things in life. :D

    BTW, I heard you had a tire on your mid section now and that's why you aren't shirtless anymore. :p

    "Changing who I am to please you... is not something I am willing to do." -MTX
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Hey Dragon :D
  11. ha ha ha, thats not true,

    I still have a six pack of a stomach or is it a keg now :)
  12. wow lots of old faces poppin around now. Good to hear from ya dragon.
  13. Getting pulled over by cops is funneh :p

    Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?

    Me: Prolly cause I was speeding and my radar detector didn't warn me in time.

    Cop: Pretty much, here's your ticket.


    I don't enjoy getting speeding tickets, but when I do I usually deserve them and they are normally for less than they should be :p

    :love: ma Valentine One

    /knocks on wood

    /drives home
  14. heh, I have that same pair of shades in that pic...well maybe not the same but same lenses
  15. It is great to see you Dragon. I hope that your career of a Hooters talent evaluator has not been eliminated yet...it is a side career I believe you enjoy greatly.
  16. Heyas Dragon

    Good to hear from ya bro, i still have the x-mas picture you send me years ago. Glad to see your doing well, drop me aline sometime and ill try to stop in and see how ya are next trip down.

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