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Here comes the Cow again

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Oed, 25 Jun 2003.

  1. Oed


    Falling on my head like a memory

    Falling on my head like a new emotion
  2. LOL

    udderly delightful
  3. I dont know about anyone else, but i dont like it auto-playing when i open a thread. I dont know where the sound is coming form :eek:
    Last edited: 26 Jun 2003
  4. Nice pun ;)

    I love it! I miss the mousie, maybe incorporate the two? :p
  5. Woooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo

    Spinnen like a cow! :D
  6. Oed


    Working on combining the 2...but will have to wait...been a little busy with work and a pregnent wife (grin).

    Dane---Please play this at work at full volume...but only if you can project it on a screen (grin)
  7. wow.....I missed that sig
  8. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I love the replay feature!

    /me clicks replay.
  9. lmao the only thing that would make it better is a higher resolution cow :p

    :love: that sig

    /clicks replay too :)
  10. That signature rocks! Welcome back cow!
  11. Great Dane


    I want to see the mouse walk in, and hold up a spinning cow on a stick. Now that would be impressive.

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