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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by mtx, 27 Jul 2003.

  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    My outpost will be officially abandoned this evening. The stuff is in storage and the home like feeling is gone. Nothing remains...

    I'm a little sad as I walk out the door. My ex $2,300 in debts she has to pay before anyone will give her a new apartment. So I worry about what my daughter will do in my absence. I gave her what little I could but I don't have that kind of cash to give to her. It's not my fault she can't manage money no matter how much she blames me for it.

    My family and best friend await me in Hawaii. Found out we are actually staying for 15 days so that's four more than I expected.

    Now I just have to fight off that lump in my throat and say goodbye to my little girl. I don't know how I'm going to do that.

    Thanks for all the advice in the past people. Having another percpective on things always helps.

    Link Park - Somewhere I belong... Hawaii biznatches! :cool: :D
  2. Good Luck and farewell.

    I hope to talk with you down the path in the future MTX.
  3. :muted:
    Last edited: 29 Jul 2003
  4. Have a fun trip :)
  5. Good trips poke:, and don't forget to write =)
  6. Ivan

    Ivan DragonWolf

    Pics or it never happened!:D
  7. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    best wishes m8
  8. kthxbai, have a good trip :)
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    You got it.

    Sorry if most of the pics are of Hawaiian girls butts but damn are they sexy. I'd hang at the beach more but damn do you get a tan fast here. I swear two hours in the sun and I burn but... they're all so sexy and so nice. The girls here are amazing! It's like a living dream.

    I took a pic of my hotel view. I love this place. Staying at the Hale Koa hotel and loving every moment of it. The guys at Hickam AFB are much nicer than those freaks at Fort Hood.

    I could fall in love with this place in a moment. I love this island paradise. Stayed out of the sun and in the clubs/strip today. Gonna try to hit the beachs again tommorrow with lots of sun screen ect. Much love for Hawaii. :D

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