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Can someone send me Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy?

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by PR24, 18 Sep 2003.

  1. I am changing jobs here so I am not spending extra money till I make the change over.

    Would be greatly appreciated :)
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I've been trying to find it. :\
  3. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Didn't that just go gold?
  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    There have been pirated versions of the gold game, however I have yet to find it. Hopefuly it will be easier to find now that its been shipped.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I found it on Kazza, however only one guy had it so it would take 3 days. Its 2 cd's
  6. :p

    Another reason I want to "pirate" this game is my wife would kill me if I bought a game then another on Sept 30th when HL2 is released. 2 games in one month would be a bit much on the wallet imo.

    I end up pirating about 1-2 games a year because of close release date. Other then that I always buy the games to support the DEV team :)
  7. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea, I never pirate games. But I am a bit strapped for cash as well :p
  8. Ivan

    Ivan DragonWolf

    I only pirate games if i'm low on cash at the time but once I do get some cash I usely buy the full version, or if i'm not sure if i'll like the game.
  9. PR let me dig for it once I get back from Orlando.
    I bet I can snag and download it before anyone can on Kazaa.;)

    I have my resources.:D
  10. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    PR24 half life two doesn't come out untill november 14th: http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/235059.asp So you have quite some time to wait. I'm still trying to find a download thing, otherwise I may have to pay a bit of money for a burned copy.
  11. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    I pirate because of the number of poorly programmed games with tons of bugs.

    If I find the game to be reasonably done, ie: dosen't need 3 patches between the time its gold and it finds it's way into the store...

    In other words, if I like the game, and play it more then 3 days, I buy it.
  12. Thanks bro :)

    If I get the game guys I maybe able to host the file for 1 day to get everyone DL it after I get it. I will have to see the size of the file before I can know foe sure.
  13. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    that would be kick ass :D
  14. It's about 1.3-1.4 gigs......

    It's already out... you just need to know how to get it.

    If you are familiar with XDCC ... PM me and I'll tell you where to look.
  15. PM sent :)
  16. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'll probably just go buy the game Tuesday. As much as I'd love to get my hands on it before hand, I'll only be able to play it on Monday, so waiting another day isn't all that hard.

    HL2 is gonna roxxor. Already pre-ordered.

    Does JK: A have on-line missions? Or is it the same variety of deathmatch/CTF/Rabbit we're all familiar with. I'd love to fight along side some Dragonwolf Jedi/sith for any on-line missions.
  17. The online part is just like Jedi outcast then there is like 2 new online types to play. I have read this over at gamespot.
  18. I tried connecting to DL the game and just about everyone of the connections timed out on me while DLing. If anyone gets it can they send it my way pls.
  19. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I got the game and the onine parts are death match, team death match, capture the flag, siege (which plays like wolfenstine online), dule (which i find to be dumb because you can have duels in death match, but with this everyone has to watch the dule while waiting their turn), and power dule (which is 2 weak jedi vs 1 strong, sort of like in episode 1). People do make a lot of mods for the game, infact I think there are already a few out.
  20. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    LucasArts now needs to stop promoting Galaxies and make a MMOFPS for Star Wars. You can fly any fighter/freighter you want, train to become a jedi/sith/pilot/smuggler/etc. Cause how cool would it be to be a sith lord with a custom Tie Defender? Or even a custom A-Wing?

    BTW. Bittorrent is your friend. I received a website and have it bookmarked at home. I think its called suprnova.org or something like that. You "May" want to go look it up via google.
    Last edited: 20 Sep 2003

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