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Greetings Dragonwolves

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Skullfist, 14 Sep 2003.

  1. Hey this is Skullfist I am A friend of Dwarf Vader... He says this is the place to be...... Wohoo Heavy Love... Vanu taste like shazbot
  2. wsup.

    Don't let the locals scare you.

    /me puts on death mask.
  3. Dammit Asmo.

    Now I'm naked again.
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'd like to introduce you to KaozReign. He's the only person around here confirmed as a Nymphomaniac who is turned on by threads such as these.
  5. I'm naked too :thumbsup:
  6. Ya, but I can legally molesterbate reign....and not you squeeky

    /me molesterbates squeeky anyway
  7. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Well, if you know DV, then the rest of us will seem tame.. ;D
  8. :gayzer:
  9. Pay Sentrosi no mind.

    He's in a constant state of denial over losing his sanity and brain years ago like the rest of us. We enjoy insanity, he suffers through it.

  10. Da Nile isn't just a river in Egypt. (Sorry i love that joke haha)
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I deny ever being accused of being sane in the first place! *L*

    Oh and my other personalities agree as well.
  12. Yeah Dwarf is a total wacko have him tell you about the ninja squirrels. But that is what i like about the guy... He just makes it up as he goes along. So I finally got my mic last night and looked for ts.dragonwolves.com channel but couldnt find you guys. I will be on tonight at like 7:00 pm I will try and tell you all so that you can get me signed up in game?
  13. Ivan

    Ivan DragonWolf

    Asmo told me he cut holes in his pockets to masturbate in public.;) :D
  14. dammit ivan!


    it's true. :(

  15. Glad i'm not the only one who does that.

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