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Hello, Ug, Konbanwa, Kargrath nebur...

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Virmos, 21 Oct 2003.

  1. Howdy there. I'm a Shadowclan guy (Kraguk) who can no longer resist the allure of a MMOFPS with people of SC-calibur. Krewg and others have sent out several calls to action over the boards, and...here I am.

    I've been playing FPS games fairly constantly since Wolfenstein 3d...started playing a lot of multiplayer at Quake 2, now I'm making the adjustment from a looong run of Counterstrike to Planetside.

    No money system? No location-specific injury? Battles with 100 people, vehicles and aircraft on either side? I've been adjusting for the past few days, and now I'm finally beginning to switch from getting slaughtered trying to use the default flashlights to some capping some NC skulls with real weaponry, getting knowledge of the team system, and having a general idea of what the hell I'm doing.

    I can give commitment. I generally stay in my online groups for years at a time, and it appears that our competitions take place on weekday nights (which I would be more than happy to sacrifice to gaming). I can't guarantee that I'll be among the best of the best any time soon, but I've been moving targeting reticles to enemy avatars for quite some time and have a pretty solid FPS base to start with.

    I should have Teamspeak and have contacted at least a few of you in-game in the next few days. Until then, good luck. Glad to be here.
  2. Welcome Virmos, glad to see you've got some interest in such a kick ass game. :)

    I look forward to gaming with you.

    But be forewarned, myself and Sentrosi will be conducting an "In the field Spec Ops welcome".
  3. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Greetings and Ug tu lat!

    All I can say is if you want to shoot things and have a good time doing it, your with the right group. Look forward to gunning w/ you in game!

  4. Kaos...What did we tell you.....

    /me whispers

    Always use the rubber gloves.

    :hi: and Welcome

  5. Rubber gloves?
    You pansy.

    Us REAL Spec Ops Men use leather gloves.
  6. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    /me looks around for the real men...

    ...And god said let there be rubber!
  7. Leather.....and you called me the pansy ;)

    I used both leather and rubber last tuesday and the leather sucked...it was all covered in NC blood and wouldn't come out. The rubber gloves washed right off :D
  8. You must be using the worn leather that's smooth.

    Mine has edges that can cut things.

    Be afraid Virmos for Sentrosi hasn't even mentioned his part.
  9. Errr....eheheh....heh....


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