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D&D online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Derfud, 30 Nov 2003.

  1. This may be kinda OFN, but anyone who has had a conversation with me recently will know that I just started playing D&D, and that I'm loving it. I really love the pen and paper, but I have found that some of the PC D&D games are too limiting, this will be a nice change for the D&D PC scene. I just thought I would spread the news about this, becuase I dont think anyone knows about it.


    I just hope they include alot of the prestige classes, and most of the feats.
  2. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Wait till hamma sees this post :p
  3. Welcome to the D+D club. I've been playing for more than 2 decades. I'm amazed I have a wife and kids. ;)

    I may check out the online version.
  4. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    I started playing back in the late 70's (remember the small box and short instructions it came with!)

    I prefer the original rules (first edition stuff) over all the new stuff, it's like they are trying to please everyone (ok, all the whinny kids that are used to getting their stuff NOW and can't wait for the levels like I made Mani and our group wait!)

    A good hand drawn campaign, cartons of coke, chips, packs of dice and you could count a weekend goodbye (and only just scratch the surface of the characters)

    As mani could tell you, sometimes the characters that you met and relied on for years where not as they seemed...

    And if you tell me you have fought dragons and have not played for years, there is something amiss in the world!!!! heh heh

    Aka Voth Weirdon
    Aka Arlimies Debentais
    Aka Karl the trader
    Aka Bob the Demon (got to love a fat round demon)
    Aka Pudoctrial Tandrial
    Aka ...
  5. Cartons of Mountain Dew, we (the group of us 5 who played every weekend for years) kept Mountain Dew around. I couldn't even begin to remember all my character names. I play maybe once a month now. Just played yesterday as a matter of fact. I have a multi class charcter, a 5th level Rogue and 4th level Sorcerer.

    The big question was what is the cooking skill of a troll. Pump can relate to that. ;)
  6. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    Yeah, was good times wasn't it! We had Mountain Dew also. We had this old pool table that we sat around (one of those smaller ones) had a piece of a desk mounted on the end so I could put my stuff behind it while sitting a little higher than the group, that way I could watch the whole table to see what was going on when I was running the campains.
  7. Ah, so you were the DM. In the campaign my friends and I just started I took over as DM, because the other one was really bad at it. As my first time being DM I find it to be very stressfull sometimes. Especially since we dont have any miniatures, or a table to play on, just a big livingroom floor, and there are about 7 people in the campaign including myself. Any pointers? :D
  8. dorks ;)

    hehe..my roomie has groups over every sunday...then the next monday he tells me all the things his wacky little groups did...someday im going to sit in on them....i like sundays because he takes the trash out and does the dishes before his people come over...:)
  9. Hey~!!!

    So what~! My trolls have personality~!!!!

    Not everyone can set an enounter with Trolls that make (lethal to non-Troll) Practical Jokes~!


    GM: You're in a 20x20 room. No doors, no windows, no hope of escape. What do you do?
    PLYR: I disbelieve.
    GM: Go ahead and roll. (..not waiting for player's d20 to stop bouncing...) Ok. You cease to exist.
  10. In the system that I run (Rolemaster) I try to limit it to 8 player as it can get pretty distracting. As for no minis, that's easy...use dice. Seperate PC's, NPC's & Monsters by type and color. The numbers or pips on them can represent their pecking order in their sub-group or rounds stunned, etc....


    Player - I walk to the left
    GM - BAM
    Player - I walk to the right
    GM - BAM
    Player - I straight ahead
    GM - Tumble, tumble, tumble *crash*
    Player - I light a torch.
    GM - Good Idea
    ...from a Phil & Dixie comic if memory serves...
  11. :rofl:

    Now for

    Compiled & edited by Joel Hahn
    Written by: Anthony Law, Dusk, Cold, Augustus Caesar, Jessen Yip, Art
    Wendorf, Varsil, Granwel Wands, Tuatha de Danaan, Kevin Chan, M.J. Lush, der
    Joachim, Sasha Petef, pblock, Cold Fire, R. Scott Roberts, DMGorgon, Khammao
    Chang, Vicki Hembrow, PJS, Mittierim, Andrew Tellez, Smurflord, Jason
    Lotito, Barry Smith, Jay Haffner, Parsley(R), Rook, Tach Deneva, Bryan J.
    Maloney, Dave Harper, Denakhan the Arch-Mage, A'koss, mrneko, Barry B. Wood,
    planemaster, Donald Bachman, Ian R. Malcomson, Weston D. Griffiths, The
    Chanteuse, Perry Holley, Robert Baldwin, Barbara Johnson-Haddad, Peter
    Seebach, Perigryne, Dave Brohman.
    1) "You actually put on the ring?!"
    2) "Okaaaaaaaay..."
    3) "Oh no..."
    4) "This is going to hurt."
    5) "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Man, it sucks to be you!"
    6) "I modified this creature a little..."
    7) "You can bring any character you want... it probably won't come
    out alive."
    8) "He gets up again and starts advancing on the party. He looks
    9) "20 more Thri-Kreen come around the dune."
    10) "Evidently that wasn't the [lich's] phylactery."
    11) "Oh...don't mind these rolls...all just unimportant..."
    12) "Plot twist time..."
    13) "The ring won't come off."
    14) "You feel compelled to ."
    15) "Ooooo, well. How many hit points did you say you had left?"
    16) (Complete silence while he stares blankly at you.)
    17) "No, you REALLY like that ring. In fact, you think you'd MUCH
    rather keep it on..."
    18) (DM rolls dice for about 30 seconds, during which we assume he's
    just idly rolling D6's). "Saving throws everyone!"
    19) "You do what?!! Okay, everyone have 4d6 handy?"
    20) "10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..."
    21) "Okay, as you come into the clearing you see a bunch of monks running
    around, while castrated men scream, chained to an altar. Now...I can't
    pronounce what they are saying...Nylarthio...Nlatotep....ah hell, make your
    fear checks!"
    22) "I need some more d6's."
    23) "I really didn't expect you guys to do that. *sigh*"
    24) "Did you not hear me when I said EMANATING EXTREME EVIL?! That means
    25) "Look I'm getting a bit drained GMing so I want to take a break. But
    don't worry I've got Irwin the Trainspotter in to fill in for me. Bye...."
    26) "You don't mind if my nongamer, _very_ affectionate significant other
    sits in on the game?"
    27) "Hey, another crit!"
    28) "Eek! Ran out of coffee."
    29) "I never wanted to be a DM, I wanted to be a lumberjack!"
    30) "...and then you notice her eyes are glowing."
    31) "How many hit points did you say you had left?"
    32) "Thought I'd bring my 9 year old son to the game. I want him to learn
    to play."
    33) "My 9 year old wrote this adventure... He'll be right out to DM it..."
    34) "Whose miniature is that on the far right? Ewwww, sorry."
    35) "No, you saved--that *is* half."
    36) "Save."
    37) "Can I borrow all your dice?"
    38) "Can I borrow EVERYONE'S dice?"
    39) (When the DM starts answering questions directed at you.)
    40) "Explain to me **EXACTLY** what you are doing."
    42) "My favourite monster? Well, any level draining undead, really..."
    43) "Oops."
    44) "Read this note. Don't tell anyone else what happened."
    45) "What level were you?"
    46) "You aren't, by any chance, immune to...?"
    47) "Take a few minutes to check your character sheet. See if you can
    squeeze out another save bonus."
    48) "Don't worry about the damage. Just lie still for a while. We'll see
    how things go."
    49) "You are under a magical compulsion. Direct your most effective
    attack against ."
    50) "Roll 4d6 six times and drop the lowest die each time."
    51) "I need to speak with you...alone."
    52) "Give me your character sheet."
    53) "Check your perception please. You failed? I guess you don't
    sense this coming..."
    54) "You will advance at the rate of one x.p. per game."
    55) "I hope y'all didn't create big backgrounds, because we're playing
    Tomb of Horrors!"
    56) "Damn. That was my last cigarette."
    57) "Hang on, I gotta look this one up!!"
    58) (After you make a request that'll put unimaginable power into the hands
    of your character) "Okay."
    59) "Tell me *EXACTLY* where you are standing when you do this."
    60) "Heeheeheeheeheeheehee!"
    61) "Now is it pronounced Wyrm, Worm, or Vorm?"
    62) "SIGH. . ."
    63) "You don't find any traps."
    64) "You don't find the trap."
    65) "You don't seem to find anything."
    66) "Heheheh....cool."
    67) "*cough*....OOOOOkay."
    68) "What WAS your Con?"
    69) "Take X damage. Permanently."
    70) "You do that? I'll get back to you."
    71) "Uhm...Tim...how about going out for a soda run?"
    72) "Now that's gonna hurt!"
    73) "Oops, I forgot he had that." "Now who was the first one
    to insult him?"
    74) "What's your standing with your god right now?"
    75) "Did your character have a will that wasn't on his body?"
    76) "You told the priest who your next of kin was, right?"
    77) "I didn't know those things hit so hard..."
    78) "You didn't like that character, did you?"
    79) "Kevin, you hear <>. Everyone else, you hear <> <>
    <> <> <>"
    80) "Saving throw?"
    81) "Sorry."
    82) "Hey-- Neat."
    83) "Now that's just swell."
    84) "Are you _sure_ you don't want to attack him? You don't _seem_ to be
    grasping the 'easy' solution..."
    85) [Any of the assorted evil laughs that come up regularly.]
    86) [While rolling up a crit] "I'd like to _see_ that. It'd just
    be funny to actually see..."
    87) "You know, this game is supposed to have a high turnover rate. I've
    been too nice to you guys lately."
    88) During any conversation out of game: "Now _there's_ an idea. I'm going
    to have to do that to you guys..."
    89) "Oh dear. I'm going to need more dice for this."
    90) "OK, guys, I'm not gonna sit here rolling all these dice. I'll just
    use the average damage. And I'll just assume you save."
    91) "Come with me and bring your dice."
    92) "..and a pencil with an eraser..."
    93) "Hmm... I have a good session planned. I'm pretty sure the survivors
    will go up a level..."
    94) "I forgot and left all my stuff home, so I'll wing it."
    95) "You think you saw a shadow moving around the corner."
    96) "You think you heard some indistinct noise from your side."
    97) "You feel a sudden chill."
    98) "Click."
    99) "It smells kinda funny in here. Roll a d20 please.."
    100) "As far as you can tell, the room appears to be empty."
    101) "Don't get too comfortable, this won't last long."
    102) "...So then Odin says 'Oh YEAH?!? Well take THIS...'"
    103) "Hey Bob, remember that $20 I lent you that you never paid back? Well,
    consider THIS payback!"
    104) "Then your new, jet-black sword says..."
    105) "Then the demon says..."
    106) "What is your save vs. death? Oh, wait a minute, it doesn't matter
    107) "You realize that the sun seems to be getting a lot bigger..."
  12. Nice list~! I've actually used a *lot* of them....

  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I truly enjoyed those days. Full Otto, aka every nasty little creature around the corner, really was the best DM I have ever played under. He could make a game into a world that you were totally immersed in.

    I ran a cleric, Lord Rustam Thorvald III, one of the Five Lords of White. We rode together many a day then. A great legend has arisen about The Five:

    Ben Rush, 2nd of Never - Human Paladin
    Sho Rembo - Dark Elf Bard
    Brian Boru - Human Fighter
    Barium Haze - Human Thief/Assasin
    Lord Rustam III - Human Cleric
    and their attendant and somewhat mysterious wizard, Voth Weirdon.

    I think we started playing when the D&D game first came out in the early '70s. I still have my dice from that game. :D
  14. Derf..get a white bord and a pack of multy colerd dry earace markers the bords will run 10 to 30 buks deapending on size and can slide away easaly .the markers are 5 to 10 a pack and you can have evry player pick a culer .you can also lay it flat and draw the holways and stuff and as pump sead use dice to represent players and monsters..
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Here is an excerpt from a tale about "The Five":

  16. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    You asked for some advice:

    It's your campaign, what you say goes (Remember they are here to have fun with you)
    Think of how you want your campaign to end, how it will flow into the next (always good to have 3 or 4 differant campaigns ready)

    Get yourself an NPC to interject with the group. Description is the key to the success. We had nothing but 6 kids sitting around our living room when we started. No figures, a book and some dice. The guides are just that, guides.

    Your best bet would get the original DM handbook and the original players guide. Don't worry about speed, draw time etc to much in the beginning (Basic rules, if 2 fighters draw, one has a 2 handed and the other single, the single is faster)

    Also, your "Heros" are just that, men/women of incredible luck, skill, backings by the gods. Not always, but a lot of time they will react faster.

    Early in the game (ie 1st and 2nd level) remember the creatures can kill them fast, so keep it small ie. you have a band of 7 (list there classes for us) no more than 7 skeletons (maybe less based on your class list)

    Magic, the source of most DM's problems. This is my opinion, your first groups should have 1 +1 sword (usually your fighter) and I give them a history if they don't have one (let's say your dwarf fighter is there, he came from Mount UnderTree, for years he has traveled with his fathers Axe, looking for something (not revealed to party) so I would make his Axe a +1

    I usually only give one character an item, to make the party a bit stronger.

    Magic (unlike video games) isn't so abundantly available and is highly guarded.

    Remember Ceilings, no one looks up, good place for lurkers and other nastys!

    Experiance I awarded rarely (after the 2nd level or so) your party has to learn to think, make them stronger with what they have, their minds.

    One last VERY IMPORTANT, watch the dice rolls (everyone rolls in the open except the DM) sometimes I would roll the dice then smile and continue on, gives them something to think about. If you roll a 20 and the party is in desperate states, you go, ah crap, I rolled a 1 a critical miss (your nasty slips, loses sword, etc) it's your game, you control it the way you want it to go. Sometimes a character will die, make sure you can resurrect them some how, this is very important in early levels, but don't let them rely on you or they will do stupid stuff knowing they will not die.

    And have fun, you can be anything or anyone since you run the game. Remember, they are there with an alter ego that they will want to cultivate, let them (Our thief went around as a merchant wearing purple clothes and flashy hats and acted like a noble so no one would connect him to the legend that he was growing into.)

    Down the road as they gain experiance, make sure they are noticed sometimes by the captain of the guard at a town maybe, or bartenders (they know everything!) sometimes this can be good, sometimes it's bad. No matter how much good your guys do, there is always someone who thinks they are evil.

  17. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Man Otto! You make me wish we were still at home playing! I really had so much fun running Rustam under your DM skills.

    I can tell you, Otto was the most awesome DM ever. We never felt too overwhelmed, but we also were NEVER bored. Plus, we have some great memories from that time. ("Boing, boing, boing... are we there yet?") :rofl:
  18. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    How about this one.

    Carrying the disc shooter down the hallway, Boru holding the left, Sho holding the right and Boru manning the trigger in case of trouble. As you approach the main hall, you hear footsteps running towards you, just then 4 guards bound around the corner, each carrying a crossbow in hand and swords slung around the waist. Sho yells, "Fire!!!" (this is because they are stealing it) and Boru replies "No wait" (his excuse later was he thought he could bluff his way out, yeah, right) Promptly Sho takes an arrow to the leg, forcing him down, the disc shooter angles, up, making it unmanagable and pulling it from Rush's hands.

    What a hoot, it was a fierce fight after that. For years everyone would say, "No Wait" and snicker.
  19. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf


    By the way, never play under a DM who has sunburned legs. It seems all his rolls are natural 20's and all ours were 5's and below! Rough night, that night. :lol:
  20. Ok, here are the players in my campaign.

    We have:
    2 Fighters (1 NPC, previously my character before I took over the campaign)
    2 Rangers (1 Bow using, the other dual weild)
    1 Rogue
    1 Sorceror
    1 Druid

    All of the guys in the group have a certain prestige class they picked out, which they think they have certain claim over, and no one else can be that prestige class. Prestige classes are cool, but I think if they dont shut up about their stupid prestige classes I am going to omit them completely. I am going to have a few adventures prepared for the next session, since the first one we abruptly decided to change since the old DM did nothing but battle and make random dungeons, and give us expereince. I actually tried to make some NPC interaction, then they started pissing off at me because they werent getting to a battle fast enough. Everyone in the group is currently level 4, and the old DM gave way too much expereince for small tasks. Thanks for all the advice Otto, I will try to see about getting a dry erase board, sounds like it can be very helpful. Maybe I can make something of this gone-to-hell campaign yet.

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