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T2 application

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Tessio, 14 Dec 2003.

  1. Hey fellas, some of ya might know me from min.. when I played with some of you in the match the other night, you guys seemed like a swell bunch, so I figured I'd apply :)
    I already know a few of you, but for those who don't know me, I play LD/LO and love to play for the fun of the game. Hoping to have some gg's in the future! :]
  2. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    :hi: tessio
  3. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    this might not be my division but i might as well say hi to a new -CDL- :D
  4. what he said ^^
  5. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

  6. jupe

    jupe Shocklance Ninja DragonWolf

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