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Phoenix's Application

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by PhoenixBourne, 20 Dec 2003.

  1. I'm in that IRC chat now
  2. Then speak up boyo! We don't like quiet soldiers!

    Well.. maybe on TS, but that's a different story!
  3. hehe yeah Phoenix.
    Most of us idle in IRC on irc.planetside-universe.com. So if you have questions just holler at one of us and we'll get ya whatever info ya want or need.
  4. Just to let you know that I'll be focusing my character so that I've got both air certs and medium assualt by battle rank 6 with an advanced targeting implant. Then, I'll get medical at battle rank 9 followed by advanced med at level 11. The rest of my certs will go into anti-veichular and basic engineering. If all goes to plan I'll finish off my character with light scout when I finally get to rank 20. How long does this take on average?
  5. Depends on how much solid time you can devote to the game and how your PC handles during massive battles - which are the only way to get your BR up.
  6. i like this guy we need more support peeps

    welcome good luck on your journey
  7. Thank you. I won't be going for any hacking skills, but I will hopefully be there for pick ups and drop offs, healing and repairs.

    On a side note, well quite a big side note, I managed to install the game. It's patching and I'll have a go when I can spare the time (I can usually spare alot of time but I'm bit under pressure at the moment since I'm relying more on my self employment and don't have a full time job as well).

    Hope to see some of you in game, I'm probably going to have to wait till late for you to come online because of time zone difference.

    [edit] I'm having problems opening the launchpad, you know it has that loading screen for the launchpad: the little square in the middle of your screen? That appears but then goes all grey and appears as not responding in task manager. I'll try my best to get this fixed, shouldn't be that big a problem, otherwise I'll just install it on my new computer.

    By the way, I did that cert calculator to "define my goals" as to put it one way.

    Last edited: 29 Dec 2003
  8. Not at all Phoenix. We actually already have 1 member who is also in the UK - Hyncharas. He plays whenever he can and generally it's the same time we do.
  9. I was wondering, what happens when bail from a flying veichle?
  10. Don't listen to Lunarwarrior when he says "Bail" you will miss the tower. ;)
  11. Woh, finally got the patcher working, had about 50 minutes left, now it's shot up to 3 hours 11 minutes left.

    [edit] Scrap that, it went back down to 50 minutes. It was norton antivirus interfeering with the download.

    [edit] - Finished downloading, I like this edit button thing.
    Last edited: 29 Dec 2003
  12. I've played long into the night. Firing loads of ammo in the firing range.Driving veichles. I have yet to get into real combat. Too tired to make long sentences. Need sleep, but want game. It calls to me....

    (I am hooked)

    [edit] What are these so called "nukes" i hear of from time to time in game.
    Last edited: 30 Dec 2003
  13. Good news, I've been accepted.
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Congrats Phoenix. :cheers:
  15. Just to let you know, I now have air cavalry, Medium assualt and engineering. I just think it would really help to be able to bring back up turrets, veichles, armour and be able to land to fix up my reaver.
  16. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yeah, Vasi, one of my alt characters, has all air vehicle certs now. She was instrumental in the multiple tower drops we did Thursday afternoon.

    Lodestars also are helpful in the field. I have yet to fly one in battle, but I know it will be coming soon.

    I wanted to get engineering, but then with the Air towers having the benefit of rearm and repair, all you need to do is find one that is being held by the TR or find one out of the way of the battle, hack and retake the tower. This free's up 3 cert points that could be used for other things.
  17. Auto-repairs take forever. I like getting a turret back up and just blasting away at enemies.
    A quick update on my character, I've decided to take up hacking. I haven't got it yet, but I plan to. So my latest plans are that by Battle rank 20 I hope to have medium assault, special assault, reinforced armour (to carry around more repair ammo and different equipment peices), Air cavalry, air support, hacking, advanced hacking and engineering.

    By the way, two more questions

    What are these nukes I here of?
    If I unlearn something, do I get the certs back?
    Last edited: 3 Jan 2004
  18. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Nukes are the orbital strikes that you can call down when you achieve CR4 and CR5. CR4 O/S are of an EMP variety, good for clearing out a large minefield. CR5 O/S are more lethal, they can take out an AMS in one shot, and have an increased range. They're great to watch, bad to be a part of.

    If you unlearn a cert, you have 24 hours til you can unlearn another cert. If you make a mistake and accidently forget the Air Support cert, you can relearn that same cert again, but you still have that 24 hour timer.
  19. When Can I start posting on the Planetside bit of these forums?

    [edit] Just found out I'm at pup status and have had it explained that I have to wait a week or two as I am assesed. Just a quick update, my new motherboard, processor and hard drive are arriving on wednesday. Should have it set up by Thursday at latest since I'm getting it with the processor already connected.
    Last edited: 5 Jan 2004

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