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Battlefield: Vietnam

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Siberian, 8 Mar 2004.

  1. Anyone else interested in this? Before PS I played *alot* of BF1942 and this looks like it's a really good follow up. :)




    I pestered Wolf until he pre-ordered it and Firez will probably be able to play between diaper changings ;)

    Anyone else interested? :D
  2. More than likely I'll snag it.

    I know Black's dad was interested in it also.
  3. maybe.....
  4. Ivan

    Ivan DragonWolf

    I've been thinking about it. I'm going to have to wait for a week or two. I'm short on cash right now.

  5. Ditto

    Although, the game looks really freekin cool. Anyone seen the new Nam '67 PS2 game, now that would be great on the PC.
  6. Yup Yup

    Sphere and Myself are picking up this game, its one we are hopeing lives up to the experience we have come to enjoy int BF1942,MohAA and CoD. So you will have us two to bash on and get bashed by on the 16th.

    Shads :p
    Last edited: 10 Mar 2004
  7. Man there are so many potential games coming out to immerse myself in...this game looks stellar. It's tough because I'm not a multi game type player...I usually just immerse myself in one game and stick with it. Tribes Vengence is coming out at the end of the year - that's the big one for me...I love Planetside....decisions, decisions...stop making so many tempting games dammit!
  8. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    im 100% guarnteed to get this game
  9. ditto
  10. Yeap, definately getting it
  11. Looks like we'll have a good contingency in the game then.
  12. hmm.. i'll let y'all see test it out for me first :p
  13. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    ITS OUT! me and Graniterok are Currently playing it :D
  14. Not out in the US yet though Black.
    Our release date is Tuesday.
  15. Tuesday is when I snag my copy.

    My wife is going to slaughter me. ;)
  16. look for me in game :) ill pick it up in next couple of days if you all give it a good review, so post your initial thoughts
  17. We all like it.....m60 is a lil overpowered(well the fact that it comes with a law makes it even more) but other than that we all like it enough for shads to buy a server ;)
  18. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    i like the fact that u can rain death down on ppl with the helis :p great fun i highly suggest u get the game
  19. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    SWIFTY! :love:

    You will like this game, bro. Its fast action and with our own server, THX Shads, it really makes for a fun time.

  20. OMG.. you mean I get to play with Srifty again?


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