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Lineage 2 Closed Beta coming to an end. Open Beta starts soon.

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Arglaar, 24 Mar 2004.

  1. I'm still tossed up on if I really want to do it retail. The classes aren't that bad actually. If you've looked a the adv classes they by the time you get to 58+ you have a ton of choices in skills and classes to customize your character.

    The archer is not to bad. Little to much downtime. The mystic I played seemed great, took forever to run out of mana. The melee skills have some nice effects, etc.

    The fully open pvp is a real double bladed sword. Its great as long as you have the advantage or its atleast a close to even match where skill and character quality makes the difference. But so far its often high levels ganking newbs... not fun.

    I'll prolly play a decent bit in OB and decide if I really want to play it more. But if I like CoH more I won't bother with L2.
  2. I havn't seen the class changes at higher levels, and I suspect it would take a long time to get there. Heck, it took me a long time to hit level 9!
  3. Just to let everyone know, there's been a huge update at the site graphics, for the lower-bandwidth among us.
  4. How long did it take for your guys registration to go through?

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