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The Infamous.. WoW

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Strygun, 5 Apr 2004.

  1. The Famous.. WoW

    Ok, this thread is just kind of a feeler for myself.

    How many people are seriously interested in WoW? How many CDLers are RPGers at heart?

    I just discovered WoW the other day, and I'm really liking the looks of things. It seems to me that they have taken all the good parts of EQ and combined it into one nice game. I'm definatly a closet follower of WoW now.

    How many others are interested in the game? I'd like it if you posted, I have a few questions about the game..plus I'd just like to talk about it and get more info.
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2004
  2. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Id be interested in playing this game They said it looks amazing and looks nothing compared to the SS's
  3. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    I am very interested! From reading all the beta talk it seems that although it does have it's quirks, it is way better in beta than most mmorpg's that are out now. Some are also complaining that despite it having the best concepts of most of the mmorpg's out right now, it is not very innovative. I say "who cares?". Save the innovation until an mmorpg gets it right!
  4. If this game play how it is intended...I will play untill the day I die ;)
  5. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I'm waiting for release.
  6. I've got mixed feelings about it. We shall see...
  7. im all over it like a bear on honey!

    errrr, i mean, ya im definetly interested. I can prolly answer most of your questions.
  8. I signed up for beta, but I used my @dragonwolves.com email address, and it for some reason or another is dead like a horse.
  9. I didn't know when WoW beta came around.

    Actually, I probably did, because I think I remember a thread about it on PSU. But, at the time, PS was my life. (It still is, but I just wasn't interested in WoW.)
  10. Until I can actually get in game and play it some there is no telling. There are going to be soooo many ppl playing that game that really don't know much about actually role playing or doing large guild events. Its going to pull in tons of ppl who never were in EQ and prolly not even DaoC.

    For me, if I have enough friends playing it I'll play it. But the last screens of EQ2 really impressed me. Still not sure I wanna get stuck into a game that can suck years of your life up like eq can.
  11. My wife banned me from any sort of eq play...be it new or old ;)

    But I can assure you that there will...at least at first...be a lot of people from CDL playing it....there are just too many people out there interested.....oh and stry...you can go to the official beta site to get a lot of info on the game currently
  12. talking with a guy i work with who is in beta he says one of the big problems they are having is stability problems darn server keeps crashing but its beta so these will be worked out. he says that when big fights happen it lags bad. but cool things i heard is if you are fighting and u can literally get your sword knocked out of your hands. also he has told me that archers special is pretty cool with arrows dropping from the sky. first time he saw it he was like what... the.... heck..... :thump: dead lol.
  13. I think beta is proposed to be about 7 or more months long.
  14. from what i hear the next wave of testers there gonna allow testers that are in alrdy to add a person themselves.
  15. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    That would be lame..... they should add..... me!!!!!!!1 lol ;)
  16. well im gettin in next phase promises have been made and he better keep them :mad: . so if the opportunity comes along donkey that i get a chance to do the same i will give it to u. im sure there gonna add people also.
  17. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    That would be awesome!
  18. but what about me!!!! :) poor me checks his email every night to see if I got in.

    (I say this as if I don't check my email every night anyways ;))
  19. I never got to sign up for beta, so I guess I have no chance to get in at all...

    *cough cough*
  20. If'n I get in Stry....and they give me this chance to invite somone...I give it to ya :)

    What they should do is invite entire guilds in...that way they know they have a better chance at getting good beta testers not just some random knob that is just there to play for free.

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