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The Infamous.. WoW

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Strygun, 5 Apr 2004.

  1. Just a thought:

    The main reason I asked if any other CDLers were interested is because in games like this (from previous experiences with EQ), if you don't have a good guild the game is not fun. I think if we started a WoW guild (which most likely turn into a division of CDL), we would all enjoy the game much better, because we could then almost always have a group, fight major mobs (to use an EQ term) in multiple groups, and also share equipment and money within the guild so that we are all well equipped.

    I'll definatly be keeping my eye on this game.

    Oh, and FireZ, thanks SO much! :)
  2. OK i have the beta(sorta) and here are my first reactions from the limited amount of play the "sorta" beta offers.

    The world is absolutly beautiful. I love just walking around in it. IF you have played any warcraft gaem you will think WoW(pun intended) i have fought here before.

    The combat is a little buggy in "sorta" beta and it really isnt that much fun. CLick attack and wait till you or it is dead.

    There are no quest in "sorta" beta yet or NPC's at all.

    I will buy the game when i comes out.
  3. "sorta" beta? (il)legal beta?

    hook me up
  4. From what I have seen going on in previous posts...its not a question on whether or not we will have a WoW division its Whether or not we wanna be horde or alliance ;).

    We will without a doubt(IMHO) have a WoW division. If CDL isn't going to play I will be playing(not perminantly or anthing..just for this game) with shadowclan where we will pwn lots with orc. GIB TWIBUUUUTTE UR MIZ CLOMPIE YUZ!!! HOOWAH!!

    But I really don't think that there is any chance of us not playing as a clan ;)
  5. Guilds can't have horde and alliance both?

    ...Shucks. I will most likely become a druid or a warlock. (Only reason I would drop druid is for something I don't like coming out when they get pushed.)
  6. right.....yeah horde only or alliance only cause its going to have pvp between the 2. I plan on playin either a druid or a hunter at this point. no matter what side we are on
  7. Yeah, I'm searching for all the information I can on Druids and warlocks. In RPG games that I play, I really enjoy being a spell caster. On top of that, I really really enjoy having a pet. (Which is odd, because in EQ my main was a lvl 52 Ikky Monk - monks were cool.) In EQ, the pet classes were really underpowered.

    I hope it's not the same in WoW. I'll be keeping an eye on the pet-able classes (hunters, warlocks, others?)
  8. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    The only reason why I don't like the Horde is because of the UD.
    1.they don't look cool
    2.they are like the zerg, and I've always hated the zerg
    3.they aren't even the UD that serve the lich king
    But the Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren are awsome (though I wish they put the goblins in instead of UD)
  9. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I assume the druid is going to be somthing like WCIII druid mixed with Diablo II druid.
  10. probably. Druids in general are cool, I played one to mid-40's in EQ.
  11. im torn between the rogue, a warrior, and a paladin... ii'll prolly play horde with CDL and alliance with my other friends.

    edit* oh and isnt infamous a bad thing? Like being known for being bad? I dont see how that title suits WoW! heh :p
  12. You would be correct mold. I was waiting to see who would notice that. I noticed it shortly after I made the topic.
  13. Heh Nooo

    /me runs
  14. /me beats Duffman over the head

    Spill the beens
  15. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

  16. pm me or talk to me at TehDuffman on Aim cant share illegal things over the forums or get teh Banned... :(

  17. Strygun, obviously you have never played a 65 level necromancer. :) There is no class I would rather play. I solo where others could only dream of soloing.
    look me up sometime on Tarrew marr. Name's Janarr.
  18. /agree

    Necro's throughout the time in the game growed from the gimpiest classes of the game to the best. from the first bug(hieght and lvl caps) where a lvl 4 or so necro killed the lvl 30 polar bear gaining 8 lvl's at once...(this was fixed by exp caps and ignoring height..ie bear at ground lvl and you in a tree = you still getting hit like on the ground). straight through the current pwning model ghoul ;)

    NECRO'S PWN!!!!!
  19. well, I was referring to the mage, actually. Necros have always been good, since they can just fear kite their way to level 65
  20. Rofl

    I have a 44 necro on Tarrow Marr and a 40ish druid too i think ill have to look.


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