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Way back when...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by TDL, 28 Aug 2004.

  1. TDL


    I used to be in an outfit, back in beta. I'll be damned if I can remember the name of it, but I had a lot of fun. Now, I recall that outfit disbanded a long time ago. But I was looking for a prospective outfit today, and noticed a lot of my old buddies posting here. Am I crazy? And does anyone even remember me?

    Rayzer? Gohan? Sentrosi? Cyrus? KaozReign? Rhikel?

    I used to post as The Dark Lord. Now abbreviated, of course...

    Anyway... Hi.
  2. Was it an NC outfit?

    Anyway... Hi. ;)
  3. Wow yes I do remember the name - allbeit faintly.

    Sup bro? Grab a seat, fill out an app (or post in the Application forum) and hold on for the ride.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    sent I soooo need to trim down that sig of yours
  5. Im sowwy, my memory sucks. Ill be damned if I can remember my own name sometimes.

  6. TDL


    Your avatar was adult gohan powering up, and everyone ragged you about it because it stretched our forums.
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Hey TDL, long time man. I see everything is going good for you right now, except for that possible deployment to Iraq. Post up and gear up soldier!

  8. Indeed it was hahah.



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