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Everquest 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 31 Aug 2004.

  1. A few of us (me included) have had minor discussions about it all year, the stray comment here and there. Yes, I am talking about the sequal to one of the most highly played games online ever...Everquest 2. It is a sad state of affairs that its reputation has been partially earned in the community by it predecessor, Everquest (or Evercrack as it is better known), as the new game seems to be everything the designers originally intended with the first one; a dynamic environment with the means to turn into a great gaming-experience, without the cost of hackers and cheats who would undermine it.

    But, there is a question that must be asked about the new incarnation: is it any different (or better) than the first? Well for starters, the game is neither a sequal nor an expansion to the original. Instead, the people at SOE have decided to opt the less common strain of gameplay: the alternate universe. Set 5 centuries after the first EQ, it is based in the same world, with the same people... but a completely new timeline. Any one who has played the games from Command and Conquer will know what I mean by this.

    Then comes the customization. Since the new game was being developed, there has come the release of 2 new races to replace one of the old ones (The Kerra and Ratonga, removing the Vah Shir), and 28 new classes. They also claim there are far more spells and items than there ever were (somwhere in the hundreds and thousands, respectively), although since I never played the first game, I will have to take their word for it. Finally, it has to be the world itself. When you look at these old games (DAoC, Ultima Online) you'll notice just how much the graphics technology has changed in the last 5 years. The realms of EQII are vibrant and living shift from the original, with lifelike weather patterns and transitions to day and night, with cities that breathe as if they had been there for a lifetime.

    Unfortunately their current roster for betatest is full at the moment, but it you're like me and willing to give them another chance to see how much more of it has been improved, you'll have to wait until the next set of applications open to find out. Let us hope it is not a waste of time.

    Right-click the address below to download the In-Depth Trailer:
  2. World of Warcraft....
  3. I'll be playing WOW as well, but I have preorded EQ2 and got my starter discs yesterday. I'm looking forward to trying it out, I thought heck why not get a free month and see if I like it. I've even made a few chars with the pre creating program that came with the disk.
  4. Me too

    i preordered, ill give it a month to hook me as well though ill be playing WoW as well.

    Last edited: 1 Sep 2004
  5. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    There are a few reasons why I'm not interested in this game:

    A. I highly dislike SOE, most of their games they release should still be in beta and they take way too long at debugging problems (ex: SW:G after a year of release it still has some major bugs.) They also seem to rarely add new content, and when they do add, it is some miniscule change that is hardly noticeable to game play. I don't see why I should pay a monthly fee if what I'm paying for is not being done.

    B. There are a lot more MMOs that are coming out now. I feel that WoW, MxO, and MEO all have much higher potential than EQII does. I have yet to read anything about the game that draws me in.
  6. *Is now a recovering EQ addict, accounts cancelled*

    I haven't seen anything that differentiates EQ2 from EQ aside from some "minor" changes in gameplay, graphics, and story line. Given what SOE has done to the original game, I have no faith they can create a new one. They forgot what "niche" EQ fills - its a RPG-Sim (or time sink, your call :p) and to try to make it more like GuildWars or to "make the game more appealing to the average player" is not what EQ was about.

    I expect EQ2 to do what UO2 did, tank... I think it'll really haunt'em. Plus we all know how good SOEs track record is with patching, expansions, etc. GL.... not for me.
  7. Erm.............no.

    In fact: NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!
    (see, it even rhymes)
  8. /agree
  9. I don't think they are trying to be anything like Guild Wars. My main gripe is its not really that different than eq now. The classes, the races, the spells, weapons, etc. Slight changes here and there. No real telling if it will keep my interrest. I put 4 on and off years into EQ, and have little choice but to atleast get into EQ2 because of RL friends. The graphics and npc voice acting are very impressive, but won't know if its the same old same old until I play.

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