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Big Wk

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 20 Sep 2004.

  1. Looks like this week is gonna be killer release week.

    Things on my list so far:

    Kohan II: Kings of War (Midevil RTS - Possibly best game coming out)
    Full Spectrum Warrior
    SW: Battlefront (Sounds like only worth multiplayer, but thats fine. Never cared for 1942 style games single player anyway)
    MW4 Compilation Pack (Cheap and great games)
    Matrix Online Preoder (get into beta, may just get pre-oder though and play beta and not game)

    Holding off on:
    Dawn of War
    United Offensive

    Sucks Xmen Legends is not on PC... grrr was really looking forward to that one. To bad ditched my xbox.
  2. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    If you played the Dawn of War beta you know you will be getting the game right away its a blast. Highly suggest you pick it up
  3. I downloaded the beta but never got around to installing it. If its still good I may try and install it and try it out.
  4. ya.. at least watch the vid :p

    my week includes just 2:
    Dawn of War
    and Rome Total War

    Still waiting for:
    World of Warcraft
    Half-Life 2 (RAWR!)

    And thats all for me this year
  5. ok....all the war's are absolute great games. but EWWW!!! halflife?
  6. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    If you are thinking of getting dawn of war, you should play the Warcraft III, demo. I find Warcraft to be a much better game which requires more skill to win (To see some comments on the game from fellow DragonWolves:http://www.dragonwolves.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7672&page=1&pp=15). As for SW: Battlefront, single player sucks, and multiplayer is not offering anything new.

    Rome: Total War is a really kick ass game, though I don't know how well multiplayer goes. The same goes for FSW.
  7. I've heard some good player reviews of Battlefront's multi game play. Sounds like the vehicles, especially AT-AT and AT-ST are mucho fun.
  8. Yes but the best part is getting to snipe Ewoks.

    Oh and the AT-AT's and AT-ST's are awesome to drive and shoot. I clipped a snowspeeder out of mid-air last night with one of the AT-AT's.
  9. Got Battlefront, no chance to play it yet. Going to need a wk off work next wk just to play all these games.

    Thinking of grabbing Chains of Promethia also since been hankering for some good rpg loving and WoW is still a ways off. Hopefully don't have to d\l 2 gigs of updates with the expansion installed.
  10. i played the kohan 2 demo and it was sooo awesome.

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