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Tribes: Vengeance

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Paladin, 29 Sep 2004.

  1. YES or NO ??
  2. It would've been nice to see some other vehicles, but yes, I will be getting T:V when it reaches stores over here.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'm a little undecided about T:V after having played the beta for a while.

    Its fun, but there are highly exploitable features that will quickly make this game no fun for me.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    so the demo came out today and guess what....the servers are full of idiots, morons, what have you, if this is a sign of what the servers will be like at release I'll be returning it/burning it in a sacrifice to the devil
  5. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    yes...but will i play it...not much
  6. I may play after a few months, once the new players either learn to play or give it up leaving the cream of the crop to play.
  7. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    No, my burning hatred towards the game is unwavering.

  8. Couldn't have said it better. I enjoyed the game at first but the maps that they released just made base rape way to easy and too hard to repair from. I may just pick it up to see what its like, but with PS now I'll doubt I'll get it any time soon.
  9. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Another "no" vote.

    I really wanted to like this game....... :mad:
  10. I'll wait and see if the change things after release with better maps and base defense. No reason to run out and get it right away.
  11. Not sure if I will play or not. Game gets old fast but community made maps may stop a lot of the bad crap, we will see.
  12. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    aye me and my friends are actually planning on doing that and are working on some concepts for a new game type as well we also have an idea for a mod or two, we figured since we all hate the game as it is, it's the perfect one to mod to the way we want it
  13. welcome to the tribes community not all are bad but for the most part they are a pain
  14. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    oh...and they took siege away :( siege pwned!
  15. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    actually today it seems most of the idiots are gone it's actually quite enjoyable I don't seem to do anywhere near as well as I used to now but thats mostly because all the really good players seem to have come out for the demo, oh yeah and best part about the demo compared to the beta, no more speedhack script hanging yay!
  16. I think those guys came from CS or AA, then left after a day when nobody added an AWP to the game and also realized that it takes skill to win
  17. I'm not going to run out and buy it just yet. Like Donkeysmiler said I really wanted to like this game and Sentrosi summed it up with it will be fun at first but exploits will kill it.

    I will get it if feedback becomes more positive.

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