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The Matrix Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 15 May 2004.

  1. Sometimes i just like to type random stuff in random posts.. so enjoy!

    !oot ateb enilno xitraM ni ma I
  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    So what would you think of it mold?
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    have my babies
  4. no just no

    i got another account tell me now who wants it adn your email QUICK
    Last edited: 2 Sep 2004
  5. other beta account = gone ask someone named dyganth about it maybe
  6. Wewt I Did Not Get In!
  7. yes, it's a violation of the NDA to say you got into beta, but in the private forum of your clan, I don't think it's gonna make much difference besides making others jealous. I personally couldn't care less about MxO, so if I ever do somehow get in, I'll let you guys know so someone can have it.
  8. Last edited: 9 Oct 2004
  9. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Is this game worth trying?
  10. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    It's apparently a very interesting game, though it is still in early beta stages, so how the game will turn out is still unclear.

    Edit: If anyone is in beta now and also has a file planet sub, I would be very grateful if you could hook me up :)
    Last edited: 9 Oct 2004
  11. I've heard that the game is very different from other MMO's out there, and it is still very VERY beta, but it's a fun game nonetheless.

    I've also heard that it's very boring playing by yourself and being able to play with your friends would make it more exciting.
  12. if i had a working gaming computer ,maybe i would not be playing ,but alas im swamped with computer probelms.
  13. I heard it doesnt work on my computer for some reason get lots of black screens that go nowhere...
  14. Last edited: 14 Oct 2004

  15. Hynch, the Credit Card is there purely as a means of verifying age. Trust me when I tell you that they do not charge your account.
  16. Yea just steal you parents CC they wont even know... my paretns didnt or you can use a papal credit card that you dont need any info to use.
  17. Yeah I know that now, I was sent a reply. I just wish that when they made the Closed Beta for Fileplanet Subscribers as well, they should have indicated why they needed it.

    I may or may not be on the beta in the next 24 hours, we'll have to see.
  18. Finnally got my key and made an account. Servers are only up wed-sun evenings, so guess I'll give it a try tonight. Read through some of the boards and faq's. So far sounds mildly interresting.
  19. Make sure you read the beta guide and give it longer than 5 minutes before you decide that you hate it, like everyone else has. :|
  20. I don't hate the game particularly (in other words, no more than PS), I just hate the way people set up these Beta Tests.

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