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The Matrix Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 15 May 2004.

  1. Well Wed night was pretty horrible. Server stability will nill. Last night was much more stable, lag wasn't quite as bad but still nasty.

    The game is defintely not an easy pop into and start mowing stuff down. Finding stuff to fight, which is usually a random single mob here and there, thats in the right level range is a little tough since there are so many others in what seems like a small world.

    The skills have a bit of a learning edge to figuring out but once you do its not to bad.

    My main gripe is the physics engine doesn't seem quite up to snuff. Normally you don't see much improvement in this area once the game is to beta. But the movement seems off balanced, jumping is a little uncontrollable, you get hung up on stuff quite a bit that you shouldn't, etc. If this gets better I would prolly enjoy the game decently.

    Its still early, much to early I think to have put it up on fileplanet but maybe it will make the fixes come faster.
  2. Yea, the jumping could use a bit of an improvement.

    Alot of the jumping hangups go away when you get hyper-jump, but that in itself is not perfect either.

    I think alot of the problems are due to the netcode not being perfected yet, and so lag ensues. I'm hoping alot of the problems go away when the lag does.

    And also, I agree, it was too early to bring on this many testers at once.
    I think that while they were aiming for their November release date, they signed a contract with Fileplanet to get some stresstesting done, and when the release date slipped back to January, Fileplanet wouldn't let the contract slip too so they were basically forced to let them in now.

    Who knows... Only Fileplanet, Warnerbros, and Monolith for sure :p

    Anywho, you should get on TS when you play. If I'm in game, I'm in TS. Usually in the CoH channel, but sometimes I switch if there are enough other people playing.
  3. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I received a beta key from Fileplanet yesterday. Installing the game now.

  4. Get on TS when you get in game.
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'll probably be on around 10pm EST tonight.

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