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Looking to join WoW division

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Setari, 8 Dec 2004.

  1. After talking with several people while playing today, I decided to come by and put an application out for recruitment into the WoW guild. Most of the officers know who I am and I'm looking for a good group to play with. I figured this was my best bet ;) Looking forward to hearing back from someone. :)
  2. Which server are you looking to Join? Laughing Skull (Alliance) or Bleeding Hallow (Horde)..

    This way we can get you invited as a recruit, and continue with the recruitment process.

    (Membership in one side of the division, does grant membership in CDL as a whole)
  3. sorry about that. I'm on Laughing Skull.
  4. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you in game soon!
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


  6. oh please :rolleyes: :p
  7. setaris a great guy, ill vouch for im.

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