Separate names with a comma.
Phear list is Fuxor'd!! Should always be fear the =oV= Then it should be fear the Smurfs.. Then fear the Gnats.. Then last of all Fear...
Hmm.. From what Moto told me I think GD is just a jealous ex.. Seems that back in Moto's Ass grabbing days he was quite the playboy ass grabber....
Just wanted to be a part of this thing! This Great Thread! Lol why is it that GD likes to watch two smiley faces poking the other? I hope this...
Hmm.. I have a theory about that. He likes the sensation of being in a wet sack is all. The ninja is a wierd one. Just don't question the...
Yeah.. Otman said he owned the sheep fetish within =oV=. He says if he smells sheep on me I die. Sigh, sad huh. I had hopes to!
Hmmm Looks like some kinda wierd smiley face dildo? What exactly are you doing with that thing Mr. GD Smiley face? Are you one of those wierd...
Hey. I tried Chickens first. Least I diversify my fixations a bit..
Hmmm.. My Theory.. Why do I get this wierd feeling that there is something between Arg and GD? They are so on the same page.. Its almost wierd...
Yes, finally the fruition of my evil plot. The years and money spent. To finally see the mighty CDL forums destroyed. Sigh, to bad my nme...
Scared?.. Your stick cannot harm me? I have my uber stick repellent on.. And your bum Al? Nahh, I fear no bum. Why? I just say hey...
Yeah.. It is a good thing. Wouldn't want stuff like that to get out to the potential recruits. Thank god you can't read that GD.
How??... What are you guys doing to get the little icons? Just curious. I am internet stupid. Even the Internet for Dummies won't help me. Alek
Hey now.. That creative work of art deserves more!!!
Phear... My power is not in numbers.. It is in my ability to squash the weak w/o using 600 posts. Fear this power great wicked whores of CDL!
My =oV= private forum CDL story!!!! Okay.. I am glad we finally have our private forum. Well.. Shit I just have to get this off my chest. CDL...
PheaR the =oV= Yeah, phear uz elite skillz mofo's. Wez gotz da lispy one Sir. Hez a badazz mofo who will take it to da goats. Wez gotz da...
Yeah.. Well who would of thought this would turn into 3 pages lol. I just was stopping by to mess with GD >: Our forums still aren't up and I...
I also agree.. That shit is way wrong. Although, I am a bit with that letter posted in the initial message. Bombing the Afghan people isn't...
Since Happy is a bum and hasn't fixed our Gimped TU forums (Damn TU) I figured I would do a little whoring in the next best thing. I guess...