Separate names with a comma.
Well for now i like the one that brakumas made for me... who do i talk to to use it/? But i would like one with some action in it... i used to...
hey where is the Metallica smiley????
It looks great brakumas... mind if i use that one?
hehe ok i will see if Pan will make me one :P
Hey I no nothing about how to make those things! Can someone make me one? Thanx *L337 sig goes here*
The same indeed :P How u been Neg?? Long time no see.
Hey Schrike bro. I sent u an ICQ and u replied with "Glad to have you on the team" so does that mean it is official now? Am I CDL again? Just...
So does this mean im in? Thanx Schrike!
OMG DRAGON!!!! i did not know u were still with CDL bro. Great to see U! hehe yes i know u made it for me bro... but i think i need a change dont...
omg i have not seen that sig in a long time! I will use that one unless someone wants to make me a new one, with a Spinfuser on it. And lightning....
Hey guys i just want to say Hi to all those i have not seen in a long time, and Hi to those i have not seen at all. Also um... if it is not to...
thanx doomy
Thanx Im not quite the fluent speaker like my sister is, but thanx. Metallica77:D
Metallica77 85138110 Light Capper, Light Defence (flexable) Clans: CDL I have never felt at home in anywere else!...