Separate names with a comma.
Happy Birthday
I personally have a lot to be thankful for this year. I am most thankful for my Husband and of course for being a Dragonwolf and being privileged...
Glad your ok friend :D Merry Belated Christmas to all
welcome :D
Congrats Asmo very welcome news indeed! :cheers:
:love: Kane
Fairwell Marsman it was a honor to know you may you rest in Peace. Condolences to Crawlingkane and his family on this loss. Crawlingkane is here...
This is extremely sad news. I will keep Mars and his family in my prayers.
Thanks for the update. Give him our best.
I have spoken with CrawlingKane and he will be dropping by to post a update sometime today.
Very Terrible news. I have been in contact with Crawlingkane as well and extended what help I could. Marsman will be in my thought's and prayers.
Welcome I'll be sending you a pm shortly with additional information.
Welcome :) were doing an op tonight if you'd like to join hit up our teamspeak
Hey hope all is well.
Welcome I have sent you some addition information via forum pm
Welcome I have pm with some additional information about our recruitment
Welcome I have pm you some additional information about our recruitment :)