Separate names with a comma.
I remember way back, I got this game called Tribes and I showed it to Mani, he was like, Lets bring this :fight: to the :nazi: by forming a group....
Where's the like button for your post ASP!
i would have to agree, it was a pretty good movie. The action was like the game as well which made it good to.
Funny stuff.
Darwin is working overtime, why half these people survived.
we saw it in 2D last night, Forrest didnt want to see it in 3D figured it would be gimmicky. The colors though where amazing. Really amazing.
Hey scrub, live in Woodstock not to far from you! What a small world!
You Are A: Dungeon Master (Infinite Level) Ability Scores: Strength- Max Dexterity- Max Constitution- Max Intelligence- Max Wisdom-...
they should have crashed in guns ablazing. Less paper work, no legal hassles down the road. one more terrorist gone. Now he will probably get...
I am sending this thread to the news agency's! Think this is the first of it's kind with no flaming!!!! I would go mac if I could afford it,...
We are kidnapping him to the mountains for the week. (once he picks up TB, Hamma and Jen from the airport) And yes that is him.
Crap I bought my car to soon!
I have 2 dell 22" monitors and love them both. btw what's a young girl doing buying dual 22's!!!! Someone's dad needs to raise the rent!
means if you eat cabbage your a cannibal!!
Anyone here Hero's fans? if so isn't that Sieler playing Spock?!?!?
That's great stuff there! My good stuff: My daughter at 15 and my wife as a team were the top Martial arts salespersons for the 8 schools...
I didnt notice the typo! ha ha it was supposed to say GUT shrink. Like that feeling as you top the rolloer coaster hill.
To refined!!! A muscle car should make your guy shrink when the pedal is pushed, scary fast un-refined power. Like the corvettes today (Z06)...
This car is sitting across the street from my sub division 425 horspower 6.1 liter V8...
Doomy, TrudyPinks dad does audio visual for a living. He maybe able to help (maxxroxx in aggromar) will see if I can get him to check out this post.