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A 10-year-old kid shot Angelcake and some of her friends with a BB gun today

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Om, 11 Dec 2007.

  1. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I'm not happy about this thing that happened. My daughter has red welts from it. She and two other friends were shot with the gun...might have been a pellet gun. Not really sure about these things. It shot hard green plastic round things the size of BBs.

    Talked to a lot of parents and kids today and we will have to talk it out more.

    Just wanted you guys to know.

    i wrote some more about it on here: http://kimiam.wordpress.com/
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hope she is okay, sky. :(
  3. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    she's alright. She and her friend were really shaken up when I drove by them coming home from work today so I stopped and picked them both up.

    She fell asleep right after we got home -about 4:30 pm so I know the stress level for her was really high. She got up to spend a little time with her Dad and she's back to bed again.

    Someone with a temper and a gun. Not good.

    I will probably try to use this as a learning thing so she can think about how to react to someone with a real gun if she ever faces that in her life.
  4. i am really sorry that happened to her, i hope she is okay and give her my love! And i would kick that kids butt in a heart beat if i were there!! lol
    Last edited: 13 Dec 2007
  5. Have you said anything to the parent of the boy yet? If so what did they say? As for the police...they could have done something but not exactly sure what. As for people can change this is very true but some people have to go through something very hard to change. Having the cops in that boys grill might have scared him enough to never think about doing it again.

    Did you take pictures of the welts? Man this ticks me off. I am so sorry this happened to her. Please give her my love and I pray that this is handled quickly and appropriately. My advice would be to go talk to the parent of the little boy first...don't wait on the others. First and foremost you need to take care of your child's safety. Then you can get with the group as well and handle things. But you can't let this drag out.
  6. I'm sorry she was hurt, but thankfully it didn't do any real physical harm. Whoever shot them obviously doesn't know when its appropriate to use the gun.

    She was shot with what's called Airsoft. The guns are gas, spring, or electric powered and they shoot, like you said, small plastic bbs. They hit with less energy than a paintball, but could certainly do some harm if hit in the eye.
  7. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I talked to all of the parents of the kids involved and we're going to gather together with the kids and resolve this as a group.

    I also called a crisis prevention officer with our local police department who specializes in school aged children who told me getting together to work this out was best *if* the parents of the child who did the shooting take responsibility, really step up and follow through.

    He also said what happened is considered assault and if the parents of the child blow this off like it was just kids and no big deal, more than likely the kid has other issues and this will become a very serious problem in the future so he recommended in that case we charge the child with assault and allow the juvinile authorities to handle it so that he could receive counseling.
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea those airsoft guns can cause quite a hurt if shot at close range. It's really important to teach kids with those things that they aren't just toys to be fired at will. :|

    Hope it all works out Sky, glad she is ok :love:
  9. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    Ouch, tell her I'm glad she's okay. :love:

    I was shot at once when I was nine or ten. A friend and I were walking past a construction site and the foreman pulled a rifle (or shotgun, maybe, I wasn't too concerned with the specifics at the time) out of his truck and shot in our direction. I don't think he was trying to hit us, I think he did it just for a laugh to see us run away and show off for his workers. I peed in my pants, didn't realize until we were probably a mile and a half away. My friend teased me about that for months, and, being a kid, told other kids, who teased me about it as well.

    The only part of it that really bothered me for any length of time was that, months later, some other kid peed in his pants when he was scared, and I joined in teasing him. It felt good to not be on the receiving end for once, and I've always felt guilty about that.
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    When I bought my M-1 Garand, I immediately sat down with my girls and taught them how dangerous it is.

    Weapons are made with one purpose: to kill another human being. The weapons themselves are inanimate and are simply a tool. What parents need to understand is that copies of weapons, like Airsoft, paintball guns, and even plastic toy guns are copies of inanimate objects designed to kill human beings. When we choose to use toy guns to shoot other humans we are basically practicing the art of shooting another human. Adults typically have the ability to parse the fact that it is a toy and they are participating in a game. Young children have not developed this ability for the most part and unless this is handled seriously and swiftly the child who did this may not understand what his actions symbolized.

    What is scary is when parents don't act responsibly when this happens.
  11. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Symen, that is obsequious obeisance and is probably something everyone here who has made it to adulthood including me (and I spend most of my life in the fringe, unwilling to participate in that kind of crap) has found themselves doing, unfortunately. You are such a sweet soul.

    Mani, it is very serious. The resource officer I talked to today assured me it was really a very serious act.

    I mean, this is along the lines of the 4 year old who used to live across the street who came into my privately fenced yard, took the baby birds out of my birdhouse (along with many of the baby birds in the neighbor's birdhouses) and killed them all. It's very serious and has to be addressed properly now while they're young.
  12. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    I really get mad when I see young kids/kids pointing toy guns at others. Yes, I know they are just playing, but it shows they have no respect for the "gun" in their hand.

    In todays world it is best to teach them to NOT point a toy gun at ANYONE. The danger being that they may find a real firearm, and not know it.

    Another thing...the Airsoft guns look way too real(which I don't have a problem with). It is just a matter of time before some kid gets shot dead when they aim at an adult who is armed. Teenagers and others have been known to "scare" and even rob people with these and other toy guns. You don't have time to decide if it is real or not.

    The Airsofts are made for target practice in places a real firearm can't be used. True, they are also used for "war games", but intended in this manner by people who know that and all involved agree to being shot at.

    Your daughter WAS assaulted. If the kids parents don't seem to think it is a big deal, then the police need to be involved. They are, after all, responsible for their kids' actions.

    Firearms safety is seriously something that all kids need to learn, starting at a young age.

    Again, when you speak with the parents, remind them that someone aiming even a toy gun at people can get them shot with a real firearm.

    If I had happened by when your daughter and friend were being shot, I probably would have cleared leather. And that scares me, as I wouldn't have known at first what is going on. But it would have been a defensive move to protect the ones being shot at.
  13. Lay the smack down on the little snot. The parents bought him a gun, yes its a gun, they did not teach him the proper way to handle and treat the weapon when he had it. On the side that he killed all those birds, the kid has some serious issues.
  14. I don't think she was talking about the same kid when she mentioned the birds. I don't know the whole story with the kid that killed the birds. Did they take the birds with the intent to kill them? Or did they just want pets and not realize the care baby birds require? Both instances certainly put the child in the wrong, but the later one isn't as sadistic.
  15. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    the kid with the BB gun was not the same as the one with the birds.

    The boy with the birds was only 4 years old and that was pretty blatant, bold tresspassing and stealing for a 4 year old kid. My neighbor across the street, the one who found out it was this boy who took all the baby birds out of his nest boxes as well says the boy wanted to raise them all as pets.

    I remember his mom yelling at him and his little sister every day from across the street "Don't hurt baby birds!!" over and over and saying "what is wrong with your brain? didn't you hear what I said? Don't hurt baby animals!!" And she did forbid him to leave their yard without a grown up eventually.

    So, I'm a bit iffy about the boy. I have no idea what he was doing over there with the birds because I didn't go over and look, but they all died. The yelling from across the street continued for weeks. maybe after each one died he would go get more from someone else's yard. We're all big into birdhouses and birdfeeders here so there were nest boxes in almost everyone's yard.

    They moved away.

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