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And so the next great Game search is on

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 22 Apr 2006.

What Genre would you like to see CDL play in?

Poll closed 6 May 2006.


  3. FPS

  4. RPG

    0 vote(s)
  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    With WoW apparently slowing down for most of the CDL members here (Twisting Nether is still going strong! Feel like fighting alongside your fellow CDL members? Come on over to the horde side! We've got milk and cookies...and me! [/shameless plug]) we should probably start to be on the lookout for the next CDL game and get all the info for it.

    Personally, I can't wait for Huxley. While the storyline isn't really all fleshed out for me, I do like the fact that it's a MMOFPS type of game. Though I've probably lost all of my FPS skills by playing WoW since release, I think I can be back up to fighting shape within a month of it out.

    But this has become a very diverse guild since I first came here. One of the greatest strengths of the CDL is the fact that we can all agree that gaming is fun, but gaming together is really fun. Nothing gives me a thrill more than accomplishing goals together as a family. At the last rally we were still talking about accomplishments we did as one of the best outfits on Emerald. And this from a game that most of us had not played for over a year!

    Having said all of this, and looking at the gaming horizon, it looks like our next big game will probably be another MMO. But what kind of MMO? FPS or RPG? I think we should really take a long look at ourselves, both as individuals and as a team, and look into what kind of MMO would best be suited for us. The next step would be to get as much info on the next games in the genre we, for the most part, agree to play in. Then finally narrowing down that section of games to two or three we most look forward to playing. Then start getting as much info on it as possible.

    The next great game CDL plays will have your input into it, as far as how we are to run it. One of the unfortunate things about WoW was the fact that this was, for the most of us, our first time stepping into a RPG and I don't think we were fully prepared for it. It took several tries to get things set right to where the game is enjoyable (at least on TN!). I don't want that to happen to us again. So in doing the research on the next games coming up try to keep in mind how they are going to handle outfits/guilds/whatever name they give to the units. I know with BF2 we got into a fun game, but that was seriously lacking ANY gaming clan organization within the game. That's another thing I don't want to have happen to us. So doing research is going to be the key here. Real indepth research. I know Cyrus has "connections" that will definitely help us out in that area. And I know a few of you Dragonwolves still have connections within the developers gaming community. What are they talking about? What are they hyping? Is their line believable or is it going to go down as a big stinkin' pool of their own BS? By drawing on the strength of our family can we be ready to play the next Great CDL Game.

    If you've gotten this far, you're probably very bored right now. So go vote for what genre you'd like to see CDL play in. Be objective and honest in your responses.
  2. Woot! 100% of the votes! Well...I said FPS simply because I'd love to have the level of intense competition that can be derived from such games. Unfortunately, my FPS tastes don't necessarilly seem to line up with others here in CDL. I loved CoD and still want to get into CoD2, but no one else in CDL, that I'm aware of, was ever really into CoD, and I've heard no chatter on CoD2 from inside CDL. But neither have I tried to stir any up. What I want is something that has the strategy of Planetside, but none of the slooowwwwwwwwwness. I'm sorry, but waiting around or 'hoofin it' can get really old. RL is hurry up and wait - i don't really want that in a game if I don't have to have it.

    Its been a while since I checked up on Huxley, and while some of the gameplay aspects were appealing, there was also stuff that I thought pretty uninteresting. I'd have to go back an re-investigate.

    A game that does interest me is Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. From what I've read, however, this is very much like BF2, albeit from a different group of developers.

    I'll have to look up some info on some games and edit or repost in order to give more specific personal interests/recommendations. I'd love it if we could find something non-mmo, since keeping my money if preferable to not, but if the game is right its not an issue.
    Last edited: 22 Apr 2006
  3. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    While I do agree that we need a new game, I do not think focusing on a genre or planning ahead will help us. Focusing on a genre will only make us miss out on potentially good games and planning ahead may end up with a lot of people wasting money on crappy games.
  4. Huxley doesnt look too appealing to me, but I am looking for an MMOFPS, just not that one.
  5. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Nothing is saying that we cannot look elsewhere Saiyan. What I'm trying to do is start the ball rolling on getting everyone (who cares) involved in the next game.

    I miss the days of Planetside where we'd all log in, pick a target, attack, defend it from enemies, take it from them, rinse, repeat all night long. I want to go back to those days. WoW is very segmented as "you can only go to ST at level 50+" and I'm 44 looking up wishing I could go with everyone else. Project Offset is a game worth looking into, but I'd like to get more info on it, especially how they plan on supporting guilds. Then again, perhaps we need to be steered back to our FPS roots and get a game like Savage2.

    I think what CDL needs to get the fire back is a competitive game that provides strategic play that gets everyone involved. Not just 10 or 15 players per side, per server. I'm talking about logging in and having 30 of your brothers and sisters attacking targets together, with sweeping formations and strategic black ops taking key areas out.
    What about Tabula Rasa?
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Should be multiple choice. :p

    FPS/MMOFPS here.
  7. Does Tabula Rasa have any PvP? When i checked it out, all i saw was pve content info. No pvp=poopie diaper

    The Project Offset definately "looks" great...and I like the Savage2 concept, although it isn't as shiny as Offset
  8. I need to invest in a new computer if we go FPS (I want to anyway ;) )
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Name your budget Pweor!
  10. My RL issues prevent me from dedicating a large amount of time to playing games, but I could be interested in joining in once in a while...

  11. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    I started my online gaming 'career' in FPS games (specifically the original Doom and Quake) so it would be fun for me to go back to those roots. So, I voted FPS. Ultimately, though, I'd be happy playing in any of those genres, I'd just prefer to avoid games that require huge timesinks just to be able to keep up with everyone else, lately I don't have that kind of time. :)
  12. Don't be shocked, but I say some kind of FPS. Not because it is something I personally enjoy, I really haven't played much FPS, but because I think that is what the guild is gagging for. It is likely I would try my hand at a new game, but I suspect I will stink at it....just a feeling as I know I stink at PVP in RPG games, so I probably won't do real well in FPS, but I'd like to try. :D
  13. I voted FPS cuz I like those games the best. I would prefere not to have to pay a mothly fee due to the fact I have no more money to give. If it is chosen to play a game that does require money I will do my best to come up with it. I just really wanna get into a game and play with you all again.:)

    I really havnt looked much at the games coming out but I will look into all the games that are suggested here. :)
  14. I have a spare UT2K4 if you really wanna get started...

  15. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The nice thing about an MMO is the fact that they are ALWAYS going to need support personnel. Look at Planetside. You could gear yourself towards becoming a combat medic/armor repairer without having to fire a single shot (except for defense). Even then, if you just had the basic Medium Assault cert you were still deadly upclose with a Sweeper.

    I'm fairly certain other MMOFPS games will have support classes. Just like WoW.

    Did some research a bit more into MMOFPSs in development and one that this board has not seen yet is The Chronicles of Spellborn. Seems to me it's got a somewhat realistic combat system. Here is a FAQ about how they are going to do skills and combat: http://www.tcos.com/en/gameworld/?id=skillsystem
    Last edited: 24 Apr 2006
  16. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    The support classes are critical.

    Sieldan single-handedly rescued a tower drop we did in PlanetSide as a medic and he never fired a shot. He stayed alive and revived those of us who were equipped to carry the fight. We eventually did take that tower thanks to him. One of the greatest acts of heroism I remember seeing in a long time. He got a medal out of that...

    edit: the link

    Crucial Action Medal
  17. I know eventually I will get an Xbox 360, and when I did have an Xbox the live system was very nice. So knowing that, I have to say Gears of War could be a VERY big game. The concepts behind its team play and graphics are very appealing. I do wish it was coming to PC, but I'm expecting a mod for Unreal thats pretty close to it probably.

    I've really been clamoring for a mech game lately and I don't think the ones in BF2142 will be the answer. MW4 was good, but put it into a Guilds Wars environment and I think you have a winner. Something also with an offline mode where you could 'wrench' on your mech to modify it for speed, firepower, defense, etc just like old pen and paper MW.
  18. Racewiz, Schrike and I have known for quite some time that turning Battletech / MechWarrior into an MMO would alter many dynamics of the MMO industry. I even started a design document on it (but that's as far as I got). FASA is owned by MSFT, and Jordan has 'retired'. Thus, short of 'donating' 13m for the IP usage I don't see this happening (other than MSFT/FASA making an MMO or someone else ripping off the idea).

  19. I just bought a copy of WoW, you b******* :(

    Just as well I still have the reciept...
    Last edited: 24 Apr 2006
  20. Wow isn't dead Hyncharas, your more then welcome to come join us on Laughing Skull. It is just the old-timers that are getting bored.

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