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Any CDL playing CoD?

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by ZjinPS, 8 Dec 2003.

  1. Any CDL playing CoD? (Call of Duty)

    Just wondering. I recently picked up a copy and I'm finding it to be a hella hoot of a game.
  2. Well I would but I don't have anything but the demo.
  3. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    yup i play it name is -CDL- Black (jus incase someone notices me) ya i find a lot of ppl suck at that game and i am usually in the top 3 for ranking so ya.
  4. Ditto

    I play untill im not the top score for my side anymore unless im just gettting warmed up. -CDL-Shads

  5. I'm not CDL yet.... :) ....but I'v play the demo from PC gaming mag. Awsome stuff. I also know for a fact that i'm getting it for X-mas. :eek:
  6. Cyber, Wolf and I all play with -CDL- tags on. Lately we have been playing lots of America's Army.
  7. i just got it last night... i'm almost done with the campaign, and then I suppose I will play it online for a bit. Mine as well tag myself so maybe you'll see -CDL-Mold
  8. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I can't play till after christmas. (I bought a copy "for my husband"...shhhhhh!)
  9. I've heard its a really fun game. I'm still into Desert Combat MOD for Battlefield. I have a lot of clanny friends that play the game. If you see any *FMJ* tags tell them you know Sgt. Armstrong. ;) Thats who I play as in BF.
  10. well I play it a lot. :)

    OneManArmy or ss.OneManArmy
  11. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    What weapon are u guys best with ??? For allies im best with the Springfield Sniper rifle (best sniper rifle in game) For germans im best with the Kar93(the rifle for germans i forget what the numbers are)
  12. CoD

    I downloaded the demo last week. Within about 10 minutes of playing I knew I was going to go out and get it the next day. Which I did.

    To those of you who are thinking about getting it let me tell you that it is pretty awesome. The solo play is pretty fun but once you do the missions thats pretty much it. Online however, thats a different story.

    There are many, many maps. The team you choose (or in some cases automatically chosen) depends on the map. But its always the Americans, British or Russians against the Germans. There are several scenarios that are typical for the genre of FPS. Search and Destroy, Deathmatch, Capture the Flag variant, etc. are just a few of them.

    My only wish for the game is that any combination of teams could play on the maps. The games are fast paced full of action.

    Anyway, if you have an itch to get a new game.. Id seriously consider this.
    Oh, and online gaming is free.
  13. Ramious

    Ramious <font color="red">DAoC Division</font>

    Actually I have been playing as "Gotcha!" but since people are playing with -CDL- tags I will be playing with my PS handle of -CDL- Ramious. I look forward to playing with you guys, I just love the game.
  14. You guys playing on any server in particular?

    I tend to play on APD's server.. I think thats it. Its usually running 24/7 with a 24 player limit and is S&D. They run a limited sniper mod, only 2 sniper rifles for each team. However, you can still loot one. Its nice, some folks come into the server bitching about no snipers.

    It just keeps the camping down and the maps moving. I am on mostly in the mornings and afternoons (EST) look for Anesthesia.
  15. Aye great game, play on SOD servers -CDL- Sphere

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