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AoC and CDL

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 10 May 2008.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    When first approached about getting a prospective guild running within CDL, I looked at the interest this game has generated among members here. Most of us are completely burnt out on MMOs and really don't want to go through a grind fest to get the phat lewt. And judging by the amount of people who are going to be getting the game (4 that I know of, including myself) I just didn't want to go through the effort of recruiting a new batch of people into this game. So, I discussed this with Warwolf and Telthinar. The three of us decided it might be best for those of us interested in playing AoC to play under a different guild. Then, if in the future, there is a renewed interest in playing AoC here, we would begin forming a division for it. The problem for me was that, while I wanted to play AoC, playing under a different banner felt like I was betraying all my fellow Dragonwolves.

    Until we found this guild Krypteia.

    They believe in a squad system made up of 5 to 15 members who organize themselves just like a regular guild, but collectively are Krypteians. Each squad has the option to name itself. After the three of us spent time researching and reading around on their forums I applied as Squad Leader of the Dragonwolves. I have to go through an interview process with them, so once that is completed I will probably have anyone over here who is interested register with them. I would encourage you to browse their forums to get a feel for them as well, if you're interested in running with us. I also plan on giving CDLers here a peek at AoC with weekly updates.

    My main goal with Krypteia is to get my feet wet on the in-game mechanics such as guild management, setting up keeps, and sieges. I want to gain as much experience as I can so, if in the future, more and more Dragonwolves come to Age of Conan, Warwolf, Telthinar and myself are ready to launch a very successful AoC division here.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Great research and follow up Sentrosi. Looks cool.
  3. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    I will be playing AoC when its released :D I have plenty of faith that funcom will fix the bugs with the game,they fixed it for Anarchy Online which imo is still the greatest mmo ever released
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Somehow I managed to get into the early access for AoC, which means I'll be able to play on the 17th. If you want me to reserve a name for you (only one please!) post what you want your in-game name to be.
  5. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Warwolf naturally
  6. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    And Thank you.
  7. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Krypteria is going to be starting on the Cimmeria server, which is RP/PVP to avoid the kiddies. This is where we'll be rolling our guys although I'm not sure on where we stand with the application process with Krypteria at the moment.

    Hope to see all the DragonWolves there.
  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The following names are registered under my account;


    As those were the only two that approached me, I'm assuming no one else wants their names registered. I won't be able to log into the game til Monday.
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Was reading up on the forums how EA was going this weekend. I'm not liking what I'm seeing from the RP-PVP server. The RPing I can deal with. It's the incessant spawn camping that seemed to take ahold of that server once they opened up. So I did a little more research and created a toon on the Wiccana (sp?) server and am in contact with the representative of Jericho. For those who want to roll with me, I'll probably stick with the PvE server for now. I'm not going to log in, quest, and suddenly get openly ganked by some 25th level loser who has nothing better to do with his life than make others miserable.

    So if you're interested, shoot me a PM. The rep from Jericho would like to meet up with us as a group just to get a feel for us and I'd like to set a time when most of us can be on.
  10. my friends from school picked Doomsayer so thats where I am playing atm. I'm thinking the same thing about pvp so if we end up switching to pve I will push for the Wiccana server
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well an update :)

    Been playing with Jericho for about a week now. Good group of players. Their guild leader is very driven to be the first player owned city on Wicanna. As a matter of fact, we're only 2 buildings away from doing this. Swordsmith hall and an Alchemy hall is all that's left.

    I'm currently a 36th level Stygian Herald of Xolti. I've 'sold my soul' to a demon named Xolti. In exchange, Xolti grants me some of his powers. The buffs and combos I get are just sick. I have one where I rip out a minions heart, eat it, and gain health. Yes, you read correctly. Rip it out of their chest while its still beating and bite it.

    Fatalities are awesome in this game. I did one tonight where I plunge my 2 handed sword into a guy and as he's looking down dumbfounded I yank it out of him and twist his head off. Blood splatters all over the place too. I'm going to get some FRAPS of me playing the game so you all can see what I'm experiencing.

    I know that Warwolf has posted and has been accepted by Jericho. And I know that Lunar is playing over on Wicanna also. Just have to get your name registered and post an application Lunar....slacker. I'd love to see other CDLers in with us, but I also can see how some people are just burnt out on MMOs. I, for one, am having a glorious time with this game. And while I haven't experienced any PvPing (saving myself for 40) I can't wait to see what my HoX does to real players.

    Players who bought the game do get a 7 day buddy pass, but as of right now Funcom has closed that down. They want to wait a month or so before opening up the trial period.
  12. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    Sounds sweet..... I'd be all over this if my computer could handle it. Maybe I can talk my way into getting new computer as a graduation gift :brow: But considering the circumstances of this graduation, I think that gifts may no longer apply.
  13. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

    I attempted...but their website is down for updates atm :p
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Just pray you're not on the same server as the "Hordes of Goonheim"; apparently the goons are wreaking havoc on the server they belong to. Mass ganking everyone they see..

    Hordes of Goonheim

    Not sure how funcom should be reacting but they seem to be flailing, unsure what to do with them. Such is the open ended nature of these games..

    Imagine if they'd ever made their way to planetside? It would have been like the Enclave, only 5 times bigger and full of mostly complete retards.. :p
  15. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    That's the exact reason why I went to a PvE server. If I want my PvP fix, I can get it in the multitude of mini-games they have there.
  16. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Jericho has finally fixed their forum issues. If you're playing AoC and want to play on the Wicanna server with Warwolf, Indicisive, Lunar and myself, please register on the Jericho/Evolved Gaming website here.
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Shameless bump. Jericho has opened up recruiting on a limited basis, like 5 new members/week. So for those who haven't registered over there and want to play with us, do so now. I got a PM from Kamikaze/Nightghost. He's going to be joining us over there too.
  18. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Really, that awesome.
  19. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    And guess who put an application in?


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