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App for America's Army

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Netman123, 4 Aug 2004.

  1. Well since my previous posts i havent really said what division i want to play in, but ive finally decided to app the America's Army Division
  2. Welcome, we have practice on Thursday nights and tend play matchs on either Thursday or Sunday and a few days in between.

    What games have you played in the past and what is your honor in AA?

  3. well the only other game ive played that is a division in CDL is planetside
    other than that ive played City of Heroes,Lineage II, and some D&D based games

    and since i just got AA downloaded im at 10 Honor
  4. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf

    Welcome and good luck. Be sure to be on teamspeak so we can move you into our AA channel and let you know the server ip and password
  5. Practice is at 10 Eastern time.
  6. :uhoh: :uhoh: :uhoh: :uhoh:
    Umm, Joust, you with an AR is NOTHING compared to how Netman is (OMG WHATS THAT! ITS A TREE! SHOOT IT!!!)
    Lol, j/k, hes got my vote :D :D
  7. Jouster

    Jouster DragonWolf


    I'll be sure to stand out in the open then :p
  8. So far so good Netman. Practice is tonight.

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