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Application for Membership

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by PMAN, 25 Nov 2001.

  1. T2 Warrior Name: PMAN
    E-Mail address: paul@glideunderground.com
    ICQ #: 33433016

    Tribes 2 Info
    Position you normally play: Flag Defender
    Previous (if any) tribes you have been in: KSA (Tribes 1)

    Optional but reccommended info
    I went and bought Tribes the day it came out, and played it up until the release of Tribes 2, which I also bought the day it came out. I played for a few weeks, but then quit because I really didn't like the public servers or the people on them (who were rude and obnoxious. I have, however, gotten back into it, deciding that clan participation was the way to go (hence my being here). I decided to go with one of the best clans I know of, played with you guys a few times when I was with KSA), so here I am. Hopefully I'll get the chance to join you!

    Well, I won't bore you any longer with my inane drivel. If you take me you take me, if you don't you don't. My prefrences is the former.
  2. ahh THAT'S how I knew you..

  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Heya PMan... I remember you! Good to see you around again. Look forward to playing in the pubs with you some...

  4. Kick Some Ass

    w00t :)
  5. I am also pretty good at HO, espically with a partner or a spotter. Flag defense was always what I did, but I always thought artillery would be fun too.
  6. Great Dane


    We could use a guy on the 12 man ladder if your interested.

    It's a little diffrent then the 16 man team but if your interested please let me know.
  7. Whats the difference between the 12 and 16 man teams? If I try-out for the 12 man, will I ever be able to move up to the 16?
  8. WoW somebody finaly asked :)

    peeps that join the 12 man spasifikly.play in CDL 12 man matches only,have limatid forum acses and only have to be at 12 man practis.this is a mutch liter scedual than the 16 man have.now in 60 days you may aply for the 16 man teem if thay have spase avalable.and sins you are in CDL have a mutch faster reavu proses.now how to get on the CDL 12 man is a bit difrint.1st you must reaqwest to be on the 12 man and not the 16 man (im not alawd to reacrut frome this forum)unles thay spasifikly ask for 12 man rucrutment.the deasishon on who gets on the 12 man is simpler to alow faster acseptens (thats why you cant try to get on the 16 man for 60 days this is not a shortcut to the 16 man CDL lader).althow if you do get acsepted to the 16 man lader you can play in 12 man games as space alows.

    at this time if you want more info or are interested in the CDL 12 man you should ask Great Dane.he is the ofishal 12 man recruter
    Last edited: 28 Nov 2001
  9. So, if I wanted to go the distance and go for the 16 man team, what would the process be like?
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You have already entered it with your App, PMAN. :D

    We will be considering your application, but you need to begin playing with us in pubs. Add us to your buddy list and get to know us on the field. I will watch for you!

  11. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Well you would enter our recruit program (-CDLr-) and be in it for a few weeks while we check you out. Then the clan would vote for you as a whole, to decide if you get to be a member of the CDL. The process time varies :)

    Edit: Mani and I think on the same wavelength :p
  12. I have been looking for you all on the pubs! Hopefully I'll be seeing even more of you there.

    I was looking for you all tonight, but then I remembered it was Wed (I thought it was tues for a long time, must be losing my mind), and that you all have practice.

    Maybe I'll see you all tomorrow!
  13. By the way, how do I get into CDLr?
  14. After puben with us for a while, if we think you got potential then we'll let you in CDL-r :D CDL-r is a little full right now so it might take a little longer to get you in, I also think we are closing recruiting so I'll talk to Hamma about getting you in before that happens.

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