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Application: Toloth

Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Toloth, 11 Aug 2002.

  1. Warrior Name: Toloth
    Email: toloth@telus.net

    Hey guys. Names Toloth.:hi:

    I get :drunk:, pull out my :laser:, and take out any :whore: or :nazi: I see. :p

    I am back playing tribes 2 after a few months downtime. I've been jumping in and out of pubs for the last few weeks, it's not that same as playing with a good group of guys. So here I am. Before I left tribes, I played for a clan called the Moops. We played on the 7man base++ and 14 man base++, did quite well in the beginning. Loved the late night chats in Teamspeak. When I came back to tribes the Moops had disbanded :( So I'am looking for a new home. From what I've heard from members, and read on the webpage CDL is just what I'am looking for.

    I play most Light Armor positions, Light Defense, Light Offense, Mid Field, and base raping/gen humping. I can also play Heavy O, just as long as you guys keep out of Mortar range ;) Going to be in the server and IRC from now on so look me up and say hi.

    Hope to see you guys soon. If you guys have a teamspeak or rogerwilco server up post or mail it to me, I'll come say hi.

    Play hard.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hey! Good to meet you! Thanks for the nice words, and we will be looking to get to know you...
  3. :hi:

    /me does a jig

    Welcome to our forums and stuff!


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