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Discussion in 'The Dragon Wolves Recruitment Forum' started by Traitor, 6 Mar 2006.

  1. Hello everyone and a good day as well.

    I've been following CDL for sometime now, ploting my time to when I would send in the application. I guess now is the time.
    I am a close friend of Sarg_Kill and we have been gaming for sometime. I would be greatly honored to join the ranks of CDL and their fine members.
    I honestly believe in the values and morals that you'all try to instill on this clan and think I would fit quite well. Honor, Valor and Victory... I like it... a lot. SO let me get used to it. Please.
    The site is clean, kept up to date and most importantly... very useful. CDL seems to be a very organized and communicate often and easily. These two traits are extremely important.
    Some personal information about myself... I am 17 years of age. I plan on going to Akron University for Engineering next year (aka: Hell). I was a captian on the football team (all-state) I play Basketball and I also run track. I love competition, I'm a gamer... I love winning, and if I lose... It's ugly. I have the most amazing girlfriend ever, I have a fantastic family and my friends are even better (Sarg_Kill, and hopefully some of you guys, shortly). I love to laugh, make jokes, and have fun.
    If any of you have any questions, I would be more than glad to answer them for ya'. And if there is anything else I need to let you guys know to get in... I will do it. I also can double as a Bounty Hunter ("Boba Fett don't got crap on me.")
    Well, thank you for your time.


    PS: I know what you are thinking... Traitor... I am the most reliable person ever...

    PSS: I swear

    Bye guys.
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Hail and well met!
  3. What kind of engineering are u going to school for?

    This will ultimately be the decision maker for my vote =)

    Welcome, feel free to look me up anytime in the game.
  4. Thank you guys...

    To be honest... I don't quite know yet. My cousin is in his 5th year for civil, but he is also a genius. He told me that I will know what I will want to do after my freshmen year. All the classes will basically be mechanical based next year so I don't really know yet. Any help?

    Yeah, look for a message in-game. I am currently a lvl 17 Pally in Laughing Skull. My name is Phelps. Hopefully talk to you all again soon!
    Buh bye, Sarg_kill and myself have some Computer Generated Art projects to work on. :mad:

    Peace out and thanks again.
  5. I have the answer for ya,
    You will hear all throughout your years in school-
    Civil is for the guys who can't hack it in Mechanical.
    Electrical is for the guys who can't hack it in Mechanical.
    Software is for the guys who can't hack it in Mechanical.
    Chemical is for the people who enjoy huffing gasoline.

    My thoughts-Mechanical is the way to go for sure.
    Oh yeah, did I tell you that I am a Mechanical Engineer. =)

    Here is a little better advise-
    Go for whatever you really enjoy doing. It is very important that
    you love the work you are doing or you will never be happy in your job.

    If you really enjoy picking up garbage, then be a garbage engineer.
    Whatever you do, be the best in the world at itl, never settle for second best.
    Life is way to short to go to work every day with a bad attitude because you hate your job.
    Engineering school is extremely hard. If you don't make up your mind 110% that
    this is what you love, then you will never complete your degree. It's way to hard
    to go into that degree half hearted.
    Hope your ready for work =)
  6. Pictures of said gf are a plus ;)
  7. Engineering is pre-business. Well, for most people.
  8. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    oh noes, a friend of my cousin thats gotta be bad news ! All this talk of engineering to, makes me want to go back to school :p I guess like a lot of poeple I never truely decided what he heck it is id realy love doing and dedicate that much time to hehe.
  9. I'm not really sure what im going to do after college. Im going to go for computer science, which i guess it branches off into programing, network adminstration, and other stuff. Ohhhh yea doom .... your sister is gona be working at DQ.

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