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Arclord Beta Signup

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 28 Jun 2006.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    When I submitted the beta test, I put in there I was a member of Clan Draconus Lupus and put our website address in it.

    If anyone else wants to apply, go right ahead.
  2. bah i was just about to post this.
  3. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    I registered for it. We'll see what happens.
  4. I did as well, under Clan Draconus Lupus again.
  5. What is it about? No time to go through the website atm.
  6. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    ArchLord - Set in the world of Chantra, this game is an epic fantasy mix, featuring lush in game graphics and a soft sensual soundtrack brilliantly scored by the London Symphony Orchestra. ArchLord brings together all the elements that make MMOs so enjoyable but with a unique hook, the chance to rule the in game world and with it receive a range of benefits.

    The world of Chantra is designed around the five elements, fire, spirit, earth, water and air providing all the areas with very unique and distinctive looks. As you move through the world from the dark expanses of the Orc home world through to the bright, light marble of the human world you will find yourself constantly drawn into to this lush and vivid environment.

    Players are able to play as one of three unique races including Humans, Moon Elf’s and Orcs and within each race they will be able to choose from one of eight different classes depending on their chosen race. Each of these classes will have a host of unique features that players will need to master in order to become true masters of their class, this will present a challenge to both new and seasoned players alike.

    One of the most appealing features is it’s ability to accommodate both the hardcore PvP fan as well as those looking for more solo action in a quest based game. Players will find themselves able to take part in massive real time battles between guilds accommodating hundreds of players. Or for those that wish to engage in more solo based play they will be able to partake in an extensive range of quests to explore the world and level their skills.

    There is more to ArchLord than just the above, there are many features of the game that you really must experience first hand to get a feel for the depth and quality that this game offers. ArchLord has something for everyone, but do you have what it takes to become the ArchLord?

    Also, three movies showing the three races are featured below.

    Moon Elves
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2006
  7. Cool...

    You get to be Captain Planet!
  8. Signed up under guild
  9. The Humans are pretty cool, unlike other games.
  10. SOooooo...

    The beta has been out for about a week now.

    Did anyone else besides Myself and Ouro get in?

    Been playing it off and on. It's your typical Asian/Korean MMO. Seems to be getting more fun the more I play it.

    Got a level 20 Moonelf Ranger.

    ***** Edit *****
    If you signed up at Fileplanet, and didn't get your key for whatever reason (spam filter, etc.) go here http://www.fileplanet.com/betas/archlord_key.aspx to get it
    Last edited: 28 Aug 2006
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I didn't get in...wierd too.

    Anyway, I followed the linkie and I think I'll be installing this game later tonight.
  12. okay, i had to laugh as i read sents *description* of the game, before i realized he was copy pasting, i was thinking wow, he really is getting into the writing of this!! :) looks intresting, may have to check it out
  13. signed up for beta :) but they never let me check them out!!! will have to wait and see how this one pans out!
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Received my beta key today. D/L client now.
  15. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    I've been waiting for my confirmation e-mail for about 2 days now....
  16. finally got mine downloading now
  17. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    In the first 20 minutes I played, my character would not walk. As a matter of fact, my orc beserker just skated all over the place. I saw a few who were actually walking . Combat is something to get used to, but even here all I saw was the spiders health drop as I "swung" my dagger.

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