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Aurora LX

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Asp, 21 Nov 2013.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I guess is the limited edition one (I don't have an Aurora currently), so if any of you that have an Aurora package want to upgrade to that, you can trade in your old ship and pick up the newer one today..

    anyone want to chime in on if it's worth it for the upgrade? :p
  2. Not really over the LN. If you want an Aurora just grab the LN, it has 1 more upgrade slot and more weapon hardpoints.
  3. Well from my perpsective...having an Aurora MR now....the LX is an improvement plus it has LTI where I only have 3 month Insurance now. Differences...LX has better engine, power plant, and has a jump drive instead of a gun cooler. The LX also has 16 maneuvering thrusters versus 12 on the MR.

    Agree with Ash on the LN. I am wondering how it would work if I upgrade for $10 to the LN and then do the gifting thing to get someone to get me LTI on it. Or woudl i have to have LTI on my MR first then upgrade it to the LN?
    Last edited: 21 Nov 2013
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    For $5 it's not a bad deal for a jump capable ship.
  5. You could always just melt it for store credit and buy the LN.... then gift it to me quickly and I'll turn it around for LTI.
  6. It all depends on if you want to fight more or run faster :)
  7. Khorn what is your in game info so I can gift this to you
  8. Here's the differences from the Legionnaire brochure:


    The major differences between the LN and the LX is the upgrade capacity and the 2 extra hardpoints on the LN, but it does not come stock with weapons in those hardpoints. The LN has a slightly larger power plant which is probably for the extra hardpoints. The other issue is the stock jump drive. Just remember that jump drives can be added to pretty much any ship, so it should not be a real issue, unless it takes up an upgrade slot, leaving only 1 available on the LN.

    The LN is more of an in-system fighter, while the LX is more versatile, allowing you to travel and explore straight out of the box. Essentially it all boils down to personal preference, but the fact that newer backers can get LTI on the starter ship at a reasonable price makes it worth it.
  9. I can convert ships to LTI, too. Anyone is free to PM me and I'll help you through it.
  10. The big ???? is the upgrade capactiy. The brochure shows a different number of upgrade slots for the LN than the info on the website does. :\
  11. Yes, that is absolutely correct. Essentially nothing is set in stone at this point. The other issue is that we don't even know what exactly the upgrades will even be, so upgrade slots may even be a moot point when purchasing a ship. All of the hardware will be interchangeable, and all of the stock equipment is basic on every ship, meaning from 1-10 it's between a 1 and a 3 depending on the variant. The idea behind the variants is just to show what the ships are capable of accomplishing with the right equipment load out.

    Point of reference:

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