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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Pweor, 29 Jan 2006.

  1. I just got a fileplanet email about a RTS game called battle for middle earth 2. I never played the first, but I am going to give this one a shot. The beta is open to fileplanet subscribers (and possibly others, I don't know).

    Anyone else going to try it out?

  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    Once it is opend to the public I'll give it a try. I like the hero customization idea, but I really did not like what they did to C&C so I'm not too. It will be interesting to see how it turns out.
  3. Its great so far, nice graphics and gameplay.
  4. I haven't actually been able to play yet. I have that stupid Safecast error "Permission denied"

    What a bunch of BS
  5. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I am downloading it now to try it out.
  6. Lemme know!

    I think it's been long enough that I cancelled my fileplanet.com subscription. If the feedback is good I will renew.
  7. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Not impressed with the freaking unbelievable login procedures for a beta game. The Safecast program they use is absolutely stupid.

    Plus, the game DEMANDS you disable your firewall for this game. Incredible.

    Thumbs down and I didn't even get the chance to play it.
  8. Well it is beta and yes it takes a second to get the game started, but all that aside once you have gameplay its easy on the eyes and kinda fun. Noth Ground breaking but fun none the less.

    I only had to allow it network access not disable anything on the firewall.
  9. I'm with Mani on this one, with the retarded safecast not working and absolutely 0 support on the issue, thumbs down.
  10. The safecast thing didn't work for me yesterday, but worked right away today. I have a feeling their authentication server was down yesterday or something. So far I think it's pretty fun. Give the safecast thing another shot... I was hella frustrated yesterday, but I am now content :)

    Let me know if you guys want to play some time
    Last edited: 30 Jan 2006

  11. huh, well whaddya know, I tried it when I got home from work, and it works. Still more trouble than it should've been. :p
  12. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I am impatient, but I will give it another go. ;)
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I tried again this afternoon - same issue with Safecast. Think I will skip this game.
  14. Did you do the step where you go back to fileplanet to get another login and password (not the original one that's emailed to you)? I had to do that.

  15. I must say that I like this game better than the new Star Wars RTS.
  16. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I was able to play the demo, and I must say I am not impressed. The game feels rather simple for an RTS. There seem to be a small number of options in what units a player can produce. The game also greatly lacks any form of micromanagement in battles as well. What I dislike the most about this game, however, are the overpowered commander powers. There is almost no way to stop a player from just making a huge defensive force while he waits to gain the highest tier command power and destroy the enemy's entire army and or base in one move. I think this game is even worse than C&C: Generals

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