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Battlestar Galactica "The Mini-Series"

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Black Drop, 30 Jan 2006.

  1. I vaguely remember the Original series on TV - shut up Orange.

    I watched the 2003 remake of the miniseries last night for the first time because people have mentioned if I liked Firefly/Serenity - I would love BG. Before I go on with my opinion of what I watched last night, first - a little background:

    *I am relatively new to the sci-fi genre.
    *I never gave Sci-Fi a chance because I was never a fan of Star-Trek (which I systematically lumped in all related movies and series). I saw the Star Trek movies but never got into the series - any of them.
    *I liked Stargate alot when it came out at the theatre. I have not had an interest in watching the series.
    *I loved Star Wars 4-5-6, liked 1, hated 2 and was remotely satisfied with 3.
    *I really enjoyed the movie Serenity, which led me to the series Firefly, which I really enjoyed. It gave me a respect for how the genre could be.
    *I think I may have been spoiled.

    Potential Spoilers for Battlestar Galactica miniseries below:

    *I liked the concept with the Cylones.
    *A lot of love and gratuitous sex. :rawr:
    *The infiltration and attack of the Cylons was well done.

    *I noticed the story heavily catered to the audience and practically spoon fed the story line. I'm not a moron (well most of the time) don't treat me like one. Subtlety when done right (and it saves so much time) can be a writers best friend - I don't think enough of these production companies give the viewer credit.
    *It took forever for this miniseries to get rolling with the action. Set-up and character development is one thing but I think less time spoon feeding every little detail so bits of the puzzle fit cleaner together later was such a waste of time that could be spent on the actual story.
    *I hated the stereotypical toughgirl character of Lieutenant Cara "Starbuck" - mainly because it was so over the top. Yea I get it - she's a toughy. Plus with all of that character development going on...they never even touched on why she is the way she is. It left me not identifying but hating her.
    *What the hell was with the girl (she later kissed Pres Laura's assistant for no apparent cheesey reason) on the Captain's deck crying throughout the whole 4 hours. The captain should have told her to get her s*** together.
    *Too much sex not enough action. What I listed as a pro earlier on stalemated me later as I thought about it. Too much focus on teh sexeh and not enough with the story.

    I am not condeming this series. I will go on to pop season 1 on my netflix and most likely season 2. I am remotely interested in seeing what happens next. Maybe I will "get it" as the series will go on - I'll at least give it a shot.

    I do not see though at this point, why this series had such high ratings after this miniseries.

    Then again I like quippy one liners, action, heavy sarcasm and bits of comedy thrown into what little Sci-Fi I've seen, so this could be my major issue.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Well, for a fan of the series I will say this;

    Those who think this is exactly like the 1979 series are in for a bit of a shock.

    This is nothing like your daddy's BSG (god, I feel old just saying that). What the '79 series had was all action, corny lines, and a storyline that was rapidly falling off the tracks as George Lucas started to sue Universal for making 'copies' of his ideas from Star Wars. (Death Star...Battlestar...Cylons...Stormtroopers...etc...etc.) The bastardization that was Galactica1980 never happened.

    This series actually gives the characters more depth. You start to pull for certain characters and really dispise other ones. The main plot has so many sub-plots and counter-plots, and that appeals to me. I like to keep my mind active (Why is Starbuck pissed at Tigh again? Oh yeah, it was in that episode 3 weeks back....) and this series does just that.

    Watch Season 1 BlackDrop. You'll find there is not a lot of sex in season1. I think Sci-fi needed a hook in case things didn't pan out, and you can always rely on sex to keep the blood boiling. Season 2 just started about 4 weeks ago. Just TIVO or record Friday nights at 10pm (Or, if you're wife is like mine, I have to record the west coast feeds at 2am because there's 15 billion crime dramas on right at 10pm) and you won't be dissapointed.
  3. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I haven't seen the series but I believe a lot of shows "spoon feed" their storylines because they want everyone who tuned into the show 15 minutes before the ending to easily catch up and be sucked in.
  4. I kind of get why Firefly "failed" in Fox's eyes after your points Sentrosi.

    I think they were expecting a Battlestar Galactica and Joss Whedon had bigger sights for his Sci-Fi action/drama.

    Don't get me wrong Sent, I didn't hate the mini-series and I'm definitely giving it a shot.

    I just added the BG Series 1&2 to my netflix so I'll be watching and talking your ear off about what I'll be watching.

    So as not to come across totally pompous...:)
    When I say subtley and giving the viewer more credit I am not trying to come across as a know-it-all or anything.

    The first time I actually got to witness how an editor of a movie shapes subtley was in the first "The Xmen" movie.

    I knew it was around before but that movie gave a clear indication of the fine line there is and how to go about doing it - and doing it well.
    Watch the deleted scenes from that movie. There is one deleted scene in the movie where Wolverine and Jane are talking about their feelings for one another - then they are interrupted by Cyclops. In the actual movie the editor cut out all of the talking but the actors pulled off the scene so well through body language and mood that you "got it" without anyone ever saying a word. In fact the edit explained tons more because it left it up to your imagination - which to me can be a more powerful storyteller.

    Also not to derail the thread but my favorite scene in Part II of the Xmen franchise was when Wolverine was in the kitchen and he senses the oncoming enemies. That Hugh Jackman plays a great Wolverine.
    Last edited: 30 Jan 2006
  5. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Part of the spoon feeding of the plot has also to do with the older series..

    They're trying to keep some continuity from the older series (why I'm not entirely sure), but also differentiate itself as well.. It's a primer of sorts, setting the background for the eventual series (at least they were hoping for one at the time).

    The series essetially uses the miniseries as a backdrop and carries on like any episodic TV show would. A reverse of sorts of the way Serenity did things, a bit of background to give the uninitiated and understanding of what's coming up.

    Its a really good series, with a lot of production values joss whedon put into use with Firefly (little to no sound in space, camera's zooming and focusing on ships to move your attention around)..

    Very few corny lines, and certainly more mature plot lines than the original series. In fact the few BSG episodes I've seen from the old series make me cringe now thinking I ever liked it as a kid..

    With Starbuck what you're seeing is the reputation, the noteriety.. Right from the start you're getting the idea of how uncompromising the character is, tough, unrelenting. THEN you get to see the compromise, and the character failings and weaknesses later.. Much easier to develop a character as unasailable and expose the flaws as the series goes on; rather than trying to build up a character that's introduced to the audience as plain or uninspiring. Basically rags to riches is less easy to believe than having everything and losing it a bit at a time. Lots of people can identify with that.
  6. Sent is right on the nose with "its not your Daddys BG"

    That said i was a fan and at 35 yrs of age i watxhed Battlestar as a kid growing up. It was very hard for me at the begining of the series to see a Female Starbuck and Boomer. That said i am totally hooked on the new series and treat it as a new look and not the orginal. I love the Storylines and writing of this new series. Its not gonna be everyones cup of tea but give it a chance and see.

  7. I had my doubts about the new BSG. I heard about the change to the Cylones and thought they were just doing that to cut the budget. They make more sense now then they did in the first show. The show also had some weak writing in the first season but vastly improved as it went on. I now want to watch this show more than any other on Friday night. Its almost real in its story and its people. The first show back in the 70s was more about the ships and the technology. This one is more about the people and how they deal with each other and the Cylones.

    For those of you to young to know about the first show Richard Hatch who is one of the console members was Apollo in the first BSG.
    Last edited: 30 Jan 2006
  8. Great feedback. I am defintely more interested to see what happens next and get caught up with the new season.

    Pour a little out for the old BG crew:

    How about that sweet rig? eh?
  9. Always been a fan of the original and been enjoying the new series totally. But I'm a sci-fi junky so even if it was bad I'd still enjoy it. No matter how corny the original was, the actors portrayed their chracters better than any other. The best Starbuck and the best Adama are still the originals.

    As for other good sci-fi, I think you'd like SG1 BD. No many sci-fi shows have a history like it does.
  10. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I'll be she mad pwns in...Adventure.

  11. Yeah, that bitch admiral on the Pegasus really pissed me off. I am glad she got pwned.

  12. Well, I am 4 episodes into the first season...

    Just like that, I'm hooked.:eek:

    I still hate Starbuck's character...she reminds me of Pink (the singer) maybe that's why.
  13. Brokentusk

    Brokentusk DragonWolf

    I admit I was totally planning on blowing off the entire BSG.

    I remember Edward James Olmos in an interview before anything aired that this was nothing like the 1979 version. It wasn't leaning heavily on special effects and the story was all about the people. The Sci-Fi network had a cow. People were talking about how it must suck because he said that.

    So the premier hits and I ignore it for an hour or so. I am flipping channels and catch it. In 30 seconds I was hooked. Then I turned it off and TiVo'd it.

    Next say I watch where the scene of the "neutral" base where humans and cylons meet. I was stunned and hooked.
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I remember Mr. Viccio over on PSU berating the new BSG before it came out. He went on one of his politico rants on how this show is gonna suck. I chimed in saying that he needed to take a chill pill and realize that the Galactica that he remembers sucked. As a kid growing up I loved the space scenes and fight sequences; I didn't give a dogs backside hair about plot or storylines. But looking back on the shows as I watch them now, I realize that the show had virtually no direction, was flawed in many different ways, and that, had I been an adult back then, I probably would have hated it. I also told him that he needed to give this one a chance. I'd love to see what he is saying about the show now.
  15. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I've got the best wife....

    and she is in the best business.

    Fans of the new BSG will know who Grace Park is. For a refresher, here is a picture of her.
    Anyhow, she needed to do a voice over for a show that's in post-production right now. So her agent calls my wifes' studio to schedule an ISDN session with California. My wife told me about it and I pretty much had my jaw hit the floor. Knowing what a big fan I am of the show my wife told her what a huge fan I was of it. So, the two of them started talking a bit more. And when she asked what my name was, so she could address an autographed head shot of her, she was a little shocked. Her husband (Yeah, I know. Totally sucks) and her have been having a discussion on their firstborn. He wants to name it Ghenghis. So my wife and her had a laugh. My wife said that she could come over at any time and talk with me about what I had to go through with my name associated with Ghenghis and Kublia Khan. Hoping she takes my wife up on the offer because that would just be friggin cool as hell.

    You may commence drool factor 10.
  16. That rocks Sentrosi.

    I just started Season 2.0. I watched the first episode last night. The writing definitely improved since the last season. That was a great episode and can't wait to finish it up so I can get to 2.5...and finally be caught up with the current episodes.
  17. Good for you dude! She rocks and has me and my friends in total awe when ever we see her. We are such geeks! :D
  18. I am waiting (feverishly mind you) for the last disc of the 2.0 season to arrive (the last 4 episodes).

    I then have to find the first 5 episodes of this season and I am all caught up.

    The series really is fantastic. I never thought I'd say that after watching the miniseries. Like you mentioned Sentrosi, the writing really kicked it up a notch in the second season. The writers made a lot of good decisions since the beginning.

    I guess the whole Helo/Sharon on Caprica came to play because after the miniseries fans came with such a response as to wanting to know what happened to Helo (if in fact he really did die). The powers that be I guess also liked the job the actor who played Helo did and "resurrected" his character.

    Good stuff...can't wait to get caught up.
  19. *pulls out his trusty sniper rifle and levels his crosshairs on sent* Sorry man, but i officially need to make use of your name...

    Yeah, um, defiantely wiping up a puddle of drool over that one. Wow.

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