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BF3 hacker extraordinaire..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 4 Oct 2011.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Just you guys are aware, if you see a player named AAftw, he's a vulgar hacker and proud of it. Doesn't even try and hide it..

    In the tunnel doing my thing and he shoots me clean through the wall in the subway, actually somehow drags me out of the tunnel into the subway with him. Then I spawn back at the deployment and it warps me right to him and he kills me again, and identical thing happens. He's abusively broken the game.. After the first section of the map he's 33-0, his profile has him at a level 44 Colonel after 3 hours, his K/D ratio is 11/1..


    If you see him just switch servers, just alt-f4 out of the game so you don't give him another kill when you go to quit.. Once he shoots you you lose total control of your movement, he just drags you right to him.
  2. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Last edited: 4 Oct 2011
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  4. I didn't encounter anyone like that in the beta
  5. Me and peace ran into two guys that could kill you from anywhere on the map. When we left the one guy was at something like 115 kills to 1 death and the other guy was some how killing you with the recon radio beacon.
  6. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    *scours the internets looking for a gif of someone being beaten to death with a radio*

    Seriously, if anything says "get a handle on the cheating BEFORE you release this EA", I'd figure, that's the example..
  7. It would be a miracle if they released the game in November. If they do, everybody seems to think there will be a "Day One" patch and, judging how bad the Beta really was, I suspect it will be a large one.

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