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Black Prophecy

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 13 Jul 2009.

  1. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    The game with the "worst voice over ever in a cinematic trailer" seems to redeem itself :)

    Black Prophecy
    Overall gameplay video, wont let me embed from youtube

    a favourite quote of mine so far:

    Will clans have their own clan stations?
    If yes, what purpose do they serve?

    Yes, clans will be able to purchase a clan station as their base of operations. Such a clan station will offer several functions: beginning with a ship dock where members can modify their ships, a shared depot with access right management, living quarters that define the member capacity of a clan and many more. The larger the living quarters are, the more members can join the clan. These functions can be increased by using better or bigger module versions. Some modules are only available to clans who have reached a specific clan level.

    Finally a space station we can call our own. :D

    Still doesn't seem to have much in the way of information of HOW massive this will be; could end up being instanced pvp/pve small scale with the subscriber base being massive.
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2009
  2. Surprised by the level of micromanagement in the game. From the last interview I read it didn't sound like that was their focus. Hard to tell which will be better, this or JGE. The interior mission videos for JGE are still some of the sexist combat sequences I've seen so far. Open space just gets old eventually.

    Don't think BP has a publisher yet and it sounds like its more like a year+ to go before being ready. Hopefully JGE is this year.

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